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Aircraft...the same list...?

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Why my aircraft list in the loadouts is always the same?

Like,when I play with a WWII plane (in MIG CAP for example),there´s no other plane of the time,only soviet and american Cold War ones,like Su-9,Yak-25,A-4,F-4,MiG-15 (most common)...

The same happens with the enemies.A Bf-110 X a F-100. :-P

Why can´t the game place near dates aircraft in it?

The nearest aircraft that I had a fight was the Shusui X the F9F Cougar.

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Why my aircraft list in the loadouts is always the same?

Like,when I play with a WWII plane (in MIG CAP for example),there´s no other plane of the time,only soviet and american Cold War ones,like Su-9,Yak-25,A-4,F-4,MiG-15 (most common)...

The same happens with the enemies.A Bf-110 X a F-100. :-P

Why can´t the game place near dates aircraft in it?

The nearest aircraft that I had a fight was the Shusui X the F9F Cougar.


It should. Depending on what year you choose to fly (if you're flying single mission) it should randomly select aircraft that are available up to that year. Example: I want to fly the F-4-35 Phantom which in my installation is only available up to 1975. So when I fly it in 1975, only Mig-21s, Mig-23s, Mig-25s and so on will usually be my opponents, but No Mig-29s or Su-27s will appear as they won't be available until 1985 onwards (roughly).


If that makes any sense.


If you look in the knowledge base, there'll be a section on editing ini's and other aircraft data and this will be covered in there.

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If I understand the question correctly, I think he's asking why he's getting WW2 birds mixing up with late model Migs (or in the example, a J8M going after a Panther).


Are your running ALL your aircraft in ONE install???? If so, you'll have to create a comeplely seperate WW2 installs for each main theatre (preferablly 3 -- ETO, MTO, PTO) otherwise you'll be running into the problems described.


This has been repeated over and over and over --SEPERATE INSTALLS FOR YOU WW2 AIRCRAFT AND GROUND OBJECTS


Once that's been sorted, you should have no problem taking you Spit up against Georing best (or your Corsair over the Solomons)


It requires NO editing of the service years (unless you're extending WW2 in the 1946-48 regime ala SWOTL2), no messing around with anyting else, save correcting some loadouts for the Axis birds. The standard 6/06 weapons pak is used, as all the weapons and the nations using them have been corrected.


It just requires a little extra hard drive space, and a little attentiion to details -- its not difficult at all.



kevin stein

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So what I have to do?

Only creating 3 folders and place the aircraft there?

Or is too late...?And the pilots?

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I'll try and write a tutorial up tonight, and have it in the Knowledge Base.


To Simplify, you create a new folder of, say, WoE.

Rename the Folder "WoE_WW2_ETO"

copy EVERYTHING from your original install -- that means EVERYTHING -- all the sub-folders (flight, menu, effects, objects, sound, terrain -expecially the GermanyCE terrain- etc) to the new folder


Delete all the 'modern' jets.

Add WW2 European aircraft. (allied and axis)

Add WW2 ETO ground objects (usually in the terrain, if using Edwards ETO map)

Add WW2 ETO terrain (making whateve adjustment necessary to use the WoE GermanyCE.cat)

Creat new shortcut to this install, call it "WoE_ETO".


That's the quick and simple route; I'll do a more detailed version as soon as I can



kevin stein

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So what I have to do?

Only creating 3 folders and place the aircraft there?

Or is too late...?And the pilots?


Wrench is saying have an individual install for your WW2 install and an individual (and seperate) install for all your modern aircraft/ground objects. This way, you won't have to alter any service dates for your aircraft/ground objects per se, however the downside to this is it takes up more HD space (each install is around 2 gig).


Also, a second install requires less tinkering. You just add the appropriate weapons/aircraft/vehicles/effects etc for whatever era you want that particular install to represent. This prevents conflicts with different era weapons and especially aircraft.




Yeah, but definately follow the link Wrench posted above, it'll sort you out nicely.

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Actually, that's not a link, just underlined words to make sure the point got across. :wink:



kevin stein

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Actually, that's not a link, just underlined words to make sure the point got across. :wink:



kevin stein

D'oh! :blush:

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The topic is now available in the Knowledge Base.


Comments, questions, burboun, etc, are welcomed. Oh, cash, check, and international money orders also excepted, along with Master Card, Visa and American Express :haha:



Kevin Stein

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Maybe you mean "exempted" :biggrin:

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oopss...I'm getting to be a bad a speller as USAFMTL!!!


It should read:


Oh, cash, check, and international money orders also accepted, along with Master Card, Visa and American Express


I may be easy, but I'm not cheap!! :rofl:



kevin stein

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I may be easy, but I'm not cheap!! :rofl:


You´re so mean...


Oh,well,so forget it,that would take 10 GBs,or maybe more of my HD...


Oh,yes,and if you do what you said,for WWII and modern aircraft,I was going to delete ALL my custom aircraft and ground objects?

Isn´t that going to crash the game? (WoV)

Edited by Sgt.KAR98

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It takes as much space as it takes.... :dntknw: If you don't have the HD space, you need to make a choice as to WHEN (era wise) you want to fly.


Remember, you're just deleting airplanes...not the core game files. The game dosen't care about the objects, just the exe's, cats and dll's needed to run.


Hence the need for multiple installs; for era and theatre specific aircraft, vehicles, ships, terrains, whathaveyou.


If you want to NOT have the 'cross-pollination' of eras, that is the only choice available.



Kevin Stein

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