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Memorial Day Weekend

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As I sit here on duty on another LONG 12 hours shift, it gives me time to reflect on what this holiday weekend should mean. America is setting out on their excursions for a long weekend off to "celebrate" Memorial Day. I would hope some take time out of their BBQ's and family gatherings to remember the men and women of our Armed Forces who have paid the ultimate price for defense of our great nation. Also the take the time to remember those who are on duty here in the US and overseas so those things can happen. I for one want to thank all the vets who have served before me. They made it possible for me to do what I do now. I hope everyone takes this time to reflect. I know I will.

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As usual, Dave beat me to to it. But I do want to thank you guys (and girls) who are putting it on the line everyday, and those who have.



PS-> Even though (supposedly) you don't have to salute the flag during the national anthem... I still do :)

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To all Service Members (Especially those in Ramadi, whom I proudly serve) Thank you for your service and sacrafice. These young men and women and their loved ones are always in my prayers.



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may the fallen Rest in Peace!!

and those who serve today will come back home safe and sound

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This week-end is always special to me.I take time to remember friends and comrades in arms lost,i hope everyone will do the same.Semper Fi!

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Thanks to all the servicemen and servicewomen that defend our country, land of the free and the brave (and other free countries).


<S!> Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

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