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A little bit Quirky

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Edited by LloydNB

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Very pretty indeed. I especially like the British flag markings. When will all this be in shape to share? This sim is emerging as a early war gem.

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I just need a little help. I know that some aircraft in Belgian service carried an aircraft number that had the first letter of the aircraft name then an individual number (eg. Sopwith Camels carried SC. # (of SK.# in Flemish) and Nieuport 17s carried N.#)


Does anyone know whether this pattern was repeated for BE.2s? And if so was it BE.# or RAF.# (Royal Aircraft Factory)?





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That's the second picture I've seen with both the original crudely painted factory number and a smaller aircraft number on the rudder.


Thanks p10ppy. And what a great Belgian site. Plenty of good ideas for future skins.


Now I think 6 Escadrille flew BE.2Cs out of Koksijde during 1916/17.




Edited by LloydNB

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look nice Lloyd , im doin a couple in amongst many other psd's , will be nice 2 have a bunch of new skin for them cheers

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Just an update.


Early Be.2A



13 Squadron





Edited by LloydNB

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