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Ultimate Universes next project

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Come one Come all. With the release of the Ultimate Borg and the succsess of it, chris and I have spoken on the Next Ultimate Universe ADDON This will be the Ultimate Dominion Alliance Pack!! What i can promise you is this will fix ALL main problems with the dominion and should with any luck, enhance the visual and game play beauty of playing as the Dominion Alliance!!


This Pack will consist of


Rescaling to Cannon Proportions

Reballancing of ship

Hardpoints Fixed and Repaired

Texture/Visual Improvements

New Missions/Maps

Damage Mesh's *this is not garenteed, will depend if i can Perfect it*

and last but not least their will be more ships Including a few federation ships


Sounded so good i had to post it here.

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me so happy to hear that i LOVED the Dominion wars

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You mean in DS9, not the game, right? The game was soundly trashed.

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From my understanding you will be able to dock at the space station as well.


Though we have another surprise when it comes to Mod which will change the game play dramitically. It isnt MP though we are working on something though it is still being created.



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From my understanding you will be able to dock at the space station as well.

oh now that is cool!

and Chris welcome to Combatace,Glad to have you here.

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aye i second that chris welcome and yeah i haven't been playing STLUUM long and i love it....i have 1 prob and 1 wish... the problem is that when i try to dock and have my ship repaired there is some sort of block and my ship wont go in (opporator error maybe??) and the wish.. more missions lol but youv already got that covered it sounds like :D

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