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My reply to: Sticky: Basic INI Editing: [FlightControl]

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In section " WoE/WoV/Project-1 Knowledge Base by USAFMTL / Basic INI Editing: [FlightControl] " written by USAFMTL there are some NOT TRUE informations. ( Sexcuse me my poor english ) - I will try to explain what is wrong he wrote :


1. He said :


This is the speed at which the aircraft can achive its smallest turn radius. This data is often hard to find for some reason so you may ahve to make an educated guess. Should generally be around or below the cruise speed


Not all true - Corner Speed is the speed of aircraft when its going to attack ground targets ! If the CornerSpeed is to large the AI controlled aircraft will not fire LAU rockets or firing guns, becouse he has not time to get aim OK. The best value for small aircraft is about 135 - to 145 . The smallest turn radius is determined by values of control surfaces and max G limit.


2. PitchDamper=



(...) These three values are the only ones in this section that appear to affect the player controlled aircraft.


Not true - all these parameters are used by AI controlled aircraft, for example - Pitch damper if to small then aircraft will swing and sometimes makes unable to set aim offset correctly.





These settings tell the AI what angle off the centerline must be used when firing rockets and guns. If the AI consistently under or over-shoots with rockets and guns, adjust these angles


NOT TRUE ! Boresight Angle is the angle of weapon is firing from aircraft to ground. And with player controlled aircraft it works also, for example - if your non-guided rocket hits ground to fast, and to low with regard to gunsight try to set any value more than zero :




Try type RocketBoresightAngle=45 and look what will hapen when rocket is firing. All AI controlled aircraft fires all rockets and guns around =0 angle.

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USAFMTL is correct on the definition of corner speed, however, the game may use the value for different purposes (e.g. a/g ordnance delivery).

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In section " WoE/WoV/Project-1 Knowledge Base by USAFMTL / Basic INI Editing: [FlightControl] " written by USAFMTL there are some NOT TRUE informations. ( Sexcuse me my poor english ) - I will try to explain what is wrong he wrote :


1. He said :


This is the speed at which the aircraft can achive its smallest turn radius. This data is often hard to find for some reason so you may ahve to make an educated guess. Should generally be around or below the cruise speed


Not all true - Corner Speed is the speed of aircraft when its going to attack ground targets ! If the CornerSpeed is to large the AI controlled aircraft will not fire LAU rockets or firing guns, becouse he has not time to get aim OK. The best value for small aircraft is about 135 - to 145 . The smallest turn radius is determined by values of control surfaces and max G limit.


2. PitchDamper=



(...) These three values are the only ones in this section that appear to affect the player controlled aircraft.


Not true - all these parameters are used by AI controlled aircraft, for example - Pitch damper if to small then aircraft will swing and sometimes makes unable to set aim offset correctly.





These settings tell the AI what angle off the centerline must be used when firing rockets and guns. If the AI consistently under or over-shoots with rockets and guns, adjust these angles


NOT TRUE ! Boresight Angle is the angle of weapon is firing from aircraft to ground. And with player controlled aircraft it works also, for example - if your non-guided rocket hits ground to fast, and to low with regard to gunsight try to set any value more than zero :




Try type RocketBoresightAngle=45 and look what will hapen when rocket is firing. All AI controlled aircraft fires all rockets and guns around =0 angle.


I beg to differ. Both 1 and 2 are absolutely correct as originally stated.


Several aircraft models (most notably the Su-27 and the F-14) will frequently be seen with their speed brakes extended and afterburners engaged during a dogfight, while under AI control. This effect is due to the AI attempting to maintain maximum corner speed.


The various inertia dampers will help limit excessive porpoising, yawing and rolling due to control surface deflection.

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You are correct with gun & rocket boresight.


And actually this is good for setting/adjusting the firing angle as my LAU's were shooting to low.

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I didn't write it either. I just cut and pasted it.

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