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Is there a CH-53 for the sim? I have searched and been unable to locate it.

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Not yet but i do believe somebodys working on one...

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The only 53 i know of is from YAP.

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Is there a CH-53 for the sim? I have searched and been unable to locate it.


Yankee Air Pirate has the HH-53 which has just been revamped with an updated FM.

The CH-53 is in the paint shop getting detailed and goes out for testing shortly.

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That is Pasko's Super Stallion from YAP, yes.

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Guest Saganuay82

RAZBAM is working on one also. Just not a priority.



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Hopefully someone will be making a 53 and a 46 sea knight out for freeware, or if not, i will have to beg the wife to let me buy them, lol, we shall see.

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