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Any recomendations for off site storage

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our office datta is now topping 40 + gigs of data and we are getting nervous

we back up on multiple dvds and harddrives and other and laptops


so does any one out there kow and reomend an interent accessable storage site for data

and what software would work well with it?


would prefer a north american site


and would we need to upgrade our interent connection from reg cable to comercial grade for higher speed to reload and back up via this

this is totaly new to use

so any info would help



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You can buy one of those 250 Gb USB storage drives for like $200 or less....thought about that?




These require there own powersource but are faster then the Passport models which use the USB power.




Both are very inexpensive solutions....thinking about getting the passport 160Gb for myself to take MP3's from place to place.



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we already use that type of device

we have 3 different hdd we use


the big boss is very anal when it comes to back ups

and he does not want a break in that cleans us out of computer hardware to also take 7 years worth of house designs and business info

this way to we could travel and have access to our files any were and keep them updated

we may soon have a rep on the road doing drawings and home shows across North America

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What area of North America? North, South, West, Mid-west, East Coast?

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Canada eh

the home of molsons and back bacon and hockey

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40+ gigs? So your office's data is almost as big as my SFP1 install? I need to start downloading more :biggrin:


I know a canadian who has a server that hosts a mod site I'm part of. He may be able to offer FTP space. With wireless internet it'd be accessable anywhere and safe from breakins, however remote a possibility that is.

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