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Tried an Early War campaign last night...

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I've never tried an early F-4 with an all Missile Load-out, until last night. It was a strike mission to nail a runway. And all I can say is.. man do those early Missiles stink! After I dropped half my 500's on the runway, I felt pretty safe about making another pass and I dropped the rest on the fuel depot next to the now pitted dragway. So without the further weight the bombs impose, and the fuel tank long dropped, I decided to go after some Migs. You know… really see what the C could do. Crazy thing was my wingmen and the Air Force assets of about 10 F-100’s were actually cleaning house; so when I was done with my bombing pass there was not much left. Good thing too...


Red Crown spotted 2 17’s at about 35 miles to my 10 o'clock flying at 18,000 feet. I punched it and picked up about 3,000 feet of alt so I was just a little above him, and turned into him as to acquire him on radar. Acquisition was easy thanks to the big radar; and I had a good lock quickly. I went ahead and fired two of my Aim 7's.... No hit. I immediately pulled off to their left and gunned the throttle as I released all the elements in my group save my wingman (no use risking everyone for my own selfish curiosity). My Wing and I screamed past them at well over 1000 kts. closure. I watched them, over my right shoulder, pull around to position themselves behind us as we stayed on the throttle. I still had 2 Aim 7's and 4 Sidewinders as well as 800 gallons of fuel on board, so I was feeling pretty confident in my abilities to bag this commie; well it’s hard not to feel a little confident when in the seat of a Phantom over Vietnam. After a few minutes of running I pulled back on the throttle and shot up into the sky, into a climb that no Mig would even dare attempt for fear of stalling, and pulled the nose of the big plane over in an Immlemen in an attempt to re-acquire the two Migs. I picked them up almost right away and contacted Red Crown for their bearing and saw they were giving up the chase and heading back inland. No dice. I poured on the throttle and dumped fuel into the massive J-79’s using their thrust, and the weight of the big plane, to bring up my speed. My radar showed that my wingman and I were rapidly gaining on them so I went for a lock and let loose my last two Aim 7’s. They screamed out to the Mig and slammed home causing a spectacular explosion and the tell tale line of black smoke. I pulled over right to the black dot that was my first victim’s wingman and switched to sidewinders. I got tone as he started to break right in what seemed a slow almost lazy turn north, “Dead meat” is all I could think. I pulled my nose a little ahead of him and let lose two ‘Winders and watched them both start to track… then suddenly they popped out in the other direction…. WHAT? I cut loose another, seeker head still growling, and it shot almost straight. I slammed the throttle down hard, got directly behind him and closed the distance… fired; missed again! I then went to switch to guns…. Well you all know how that went…Ok…. Fine. I then ordered my wingman to engage my target. Three ‘Winders later… dead Mig…


So out of 9 Missiles…. two kills…. Man with all the Triple A, SAM’s, and dodgy missiles Vietnam Pilots had to face…they had to have been thee greatest Pilots in History……

Edited by F-4PhantomII

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Nice one - says it all - I love taking the F-4B on early 60's MigCap missions - is a dilemma how to take them down sometimes if you stick to the visual range rules!

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Nice one - says it all - I love taking the F-4B on early 60's MigCap missions - is a dilemma how to take them down sometimes if you stick to the visual range rules!

Yeah, I use the Vis range stuff for sure. It's really the best way to play WoV. I also do use the map screen. I figure that between radio use and my Rear seat I would be able to deduce the locations of my other elements in the mission. SO if Red Crown tells me that I have "10 plus Bandits 10 o'clock Bearing 090 angels 10" I point my plane in that direction if there are no "Blue flyers" on the map in that location I go ahead and lock them up and select my Aim 7's.


One question though; how big is a map square in the map mode? Like how long is it? 5 Miles? maybe 8?

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yep.. 5.4 nm = 10 km

Good info to have. Thanks man. How many of you guys use the "IFF" thisng in this game anyways?



Oh one more thing... I thought I was in a "C" but I was wrong... Ti's a "B" I be flying.

Edited by F-4PhantomII

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Yep, those were some lousy missles and ROE those guys had to deal with.


Thats why i'm so truely glad that my Thud has the ultra reliable, never fail you, 20mm Vulcan!


I remember doing a practice mission in a Hun against some 17s. 3 Sidewinders fired at what i figure was textbook range and angles and not a single one worked worth a damn. I jettisoned the last missle, cocked the guns and went to work.


Flamed 2 of them in about 5 minutes.

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