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In need of some info...

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So I finally find myself in posession of WoE and installed it yesterday, and I must say that it's great already! My version is 8 point something but I think I still have to install some kind of service pack and the latest patch, right? Now, what I found strange is that I tried to fly a CAS mission with the A-10 and there was no option to equip any AGM-65s, which I found VERY strange, so I looked at the manual, and saw that there was absolutely no listing of objects and equipments that the game included... Later I discovered Thirdwire's site and saw a manual there, and there the ordenance was listed, so probably installing the patch will make all of the manual's weaponry available to me.

I'd still like to know just what I can find ingame in terms of ground vehicles, and I'd also like to know which mission editor is the best - it's a pity WoE doesn't come with a nice detailed mission editor (I'm spoiled by Jane's Fighter's Anthology in terms of editors... ) - but I've read that there are third-party ones, where can I get the best?

Is there a way to fly also the OPFOR planes in WoE? What about OPFOR ordenance? Is there any info on which can be found ingame? Has the community made more OPFOR ordenance as well? Still gotta get my hands on a nice MiG-29 and Su-27 since neither are in WoE apparently...

And to finish: Is the Bunyap weapons addon available on this site the latest version? Will installing it make the weapons available in the loadout screen for any aircraft I might have installed that could handle said weaponry?


I know it's a buckload of questions but I'd really like to get the most out of this game! Many thanks ahead! :hi:

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Oh lord, to answer those in detail would take pages & that's why we have the Knowledge Base.


Kreelin's editor is available here & there is a turorial too iirc - if not the tut is on StreakEagle's site


yes, you can fly any AI simply by adding a cockpit plus of course there are 3rd party Migs, Sukhois etc..

Yes, I believe that we still have the latest Weap Pack although I would think that it was due an update as other weapons have been made since then - that takes time though & real life has a nasty way of intruding on gaming .


You may have to do some ini. editing to do everything that you want so I would also get the File Extractor (available here).

Then read the Knowledge Base - after that & once you've had a go if you still have specific problems post the questions.

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So I finally find myself in posession of WoE and installed it yesterday, and I must say that it's great already! My version is 8 point something but I think I still have to install some kind of service pack and the latest patch, right? Now, what I found strange is that I tried to fly a CAS mission with the A-10 and there was no option to equip any AGM-65s, which I found VERY strange, so I looked at the manual, and saw that there was absolutely no listing of objects and equipments that the game included... Later I discovered Thirdwire's site and saw a manual there, and there the ordenance was listed, so probably installing the patch will make all of the manual's weaponry available to me.

I'd still like to know just what I can find ingame in terms of ground vehicles, and I'd also like to know which mission editor is the best - it's a pity WoE doesn't come with a nice detailed mission editor (I'm spoiled by Jane's Fighter's Anthology in terms of editors... ) - but I've read that there are third-party ones, where can I get the best?


I personally use and recommend Kreelin's Mission Designer (KMD). If you search around, you'll find a rather helpful how-to article by Streakeagle on how to use it. As for ground vehicles, you'll have to peruse the contents of your ground objects folder. There are literally tons of add ons available; SAM launchers, tanks, APCs, warships, even infantry.


Is there a way to fly also the OPFOR planes in WoE? What about OPFOR ordenance? Is there any info on which can be found ingame? Has the community made more OPFOR ordenance as well? Still gotta get my hands on a nice MiG-29 and Su-27 since neither are in WoE apparently...


Flying the default AI aircraft is no different here than in any of WoE's siblings. You'll need to edit the aircraft.ini files, adding declarations for cockpits, and hangar loading screens (if you want to get that detailed). There are also additional Soviet aircraft to download and install, from MiG-15s on up to and including Su-27s & MiG-29s. The NATO side of things is also well represented. I suggest you search the "cold war" and "modern" aircraft download sections here at CA.


And to finish: Is the Bunyap weapons addon available on this site the latest version? Will installing it make the weapons available in the loadout screen for any aircraft I might have installed that could handle said weaponry?


Installing the latest weapon's pack is a plus, but you'll then have to edit the loadout.ini files of practically every aircraft in order to take advantage of it. I suggest that you read Wrench's article on that process in our Knowledge Base.

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Thanks for the kind replies, guys! :good:


I must say before I even posted this topic I DID search the knowledge-base, though there are no specific topics there on how to make all planes in the game flyable, namely the soviet planes provided by it (or have I missed something? ) . Also, having installed the MiG-29C I've noted that also soviet AAMs are available to use, but no soviet AGMs, and there doesn't seem to be any centralized info on which soviet AGMs exist for use in WoE, does anybody know? Also, although there are lots of info on how to modify the loadout.inis, one thing I'd like to know is if there is a possibility to change the availability of weapons for the default ingame Loadout screen? Cause I really think it's a bit ridiculous to have limits in terms of ordenance availability...


Many thanks in advance for the indulgence of these newbie questions! :hi:

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Thanks for the kind replies, guys! :good:


I must say before I even posted this topic I DID search the knowledge-base, though there are no specific topics there on how to make all planes in the game flyable, namely the soviet planes provided by it (or have I missed something? ) . Also, having installed the MiG-29C I've noted that also soviet AAMs are available to use, but no soviet AGMs, and there doesn't seem to be any centralized info on which soviet AGMs exist for use in WoE, does anybody know? Also, although there are lots of info on how to modify the loadout.inis, one thing I'd like to know is if there is a possibility to change the availability of weapons for the default ingame Loadout screen? Cause I really think it's a bit ridiculous to have limits in terms of ordenance availability...


Many thanks in advance for the indulgence of these newbie questions! :hi:





you must adquire some russian missile info and this may shine some light into this subject http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air-to-surface_missile ...the AGMs available are in the latest WPack so if you installed it you got it right!

You can find all sorts of AGMs like the Vikr or the Kedge...IF your plane as the capability of AG! If not your just waisting your time...so check this feature in you .ini so it wouldt bring you more troubles...and anything else just ask or pm. :ok:

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I must say before I even posted this topic I DID search the knowledge-base, though there are no specific topics there on how to make all planes in the game flyable, namely the soviet planes provided by it (or have I missed something? ) .



Flying New (previously non-flyable) Aircraft

Previously non-flyable aircraft can be flown as follows. MajorLee has a flyable SU-7B.

Say you want to fly the Mig-21Mf, which is in \Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-21MF

Open the *.INI file in that folder. It will look like this:



AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J




Change it to look like this:


AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J







The MiG-21MF will use the F-104G cockpit.

Now use the hangar.bmp and loadout.bmp files from MajorLee’s flyable Su-7, and rename them MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp and MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp, in the MiG21MF subdirectory.

That’s all. The MiG-21MF will now be selectable.

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Flying New (previously non-flyable) Aircraft

Previously non-flyable aircraft can be flown as follows. MajorLee has a flyable SU-7B.

Say you want to fly the Mig-21Mf, which is in \Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-21MF

Open the *.INI file in that folder. It will look like this:



AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J




Change it to look like this:


AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J







The MiG-21MF will use the F-104G cockpit.

Now use the hangar.bmp and loadout.bmp files from MajorLee’s flyable Su-7, and rename them MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp and MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp, in the MiG21MF subdirectory.

That’s all. The MiG-21MF will now be selectable.


Or even more simplier....go over to Marcfighters and download the flyable aicrafts package... :yes:

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Guest Saganuay82

The Soviet A2G weapons are available in the weapons pack but you have to modify or check the aircrafts data.ini in the weapons section to see if A2G weapons are available for the hard points. It might be only set for A2A.


The loadouts you will have to check topic 1 in the Knowledge Base for the loadouts. Many have been done for you. The weapons pack now uses the Soviet designation for their weapons vice the NATO desig.

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Many thanks again, guys! :clapping::good:


Now all that I need is to figure out which file I need to edit so that I can have more ordenance available in terms of numbers, not variety, in the ingame load out screen - kinda sux not every aircraft in my flight being able to carry the same ordenance as me, simply because the "store" doesn't have enough missiles or bombs or whatever available... any ideas?

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