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WWII Italy Terrain in the works?

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don't we have Italy and Scicly in Edwards North Africa and Tunisia maps??? I distincly remember bombing somethng in Taranto

Can't remember how high up the 'boot' it goes...Rome? Adriatic coast??? have to check when I get home (easy to just look at a planing map!)



kevin stein

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Some bomber squadrons (flying Stuka, He-111, Do-17 and Ju-88) selectable in the Battle of Britain by Baltika. Not sure about his Burning Sands 1944.

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Burning Sands '44 has Boston, He-111 and Ju 87B as flyables, but of course that is Desert terrain, not Euro. As you say, CA, there are Luftwaffe bomber squadrons available in BoB campaign. v0.60 of BoB (I am getting there, just slowly) will have a Blenheim Mk1 flyable bomber squadron, so that counts as Euro WW2 Bomber campaign. However, Gepard's BoB map is (deliberately) light on continental European target zones, so Blenheim raids will be restricted to airfield harrassment - which is fine, as that is historically correct for the BoB timeframe. (OK, destruction of German invasion barges was also on the agenda. I'm working on it :wink: )


As to "In the works," well, a gleam in my eye is the Channel Front 41-44 Campaign for the excellent Euro WW2 terrain hosted at Major Lee's Aerodrome. That has a stack of continental target areas, extends all the way to Berlin for a full-on strategic bombing campaign, and has recently had an SP4 face-lift courtesy of Sopwith Snipe hosted here at combatace. Currently my favourite terrain to fly over. The concept was born out of some (understandable) frustration that folks are having trying to shoot down German bombers with 8x .303 MGs on Spit 1As and Hurri 1s in the BoB campaign. The more I read about it, the more I reach the view that it's as hard as it should be in the BoB campaign - I keep finding pictures which say "This Do-17Z had 300 bullet holes in it when it returned to base - that would require 2 Spitfires to release their full ammo load at it to achieve, on average." Of course, extend the campaign timeline into '41 (and beyond) and lots of juicy cannon-armed machines become available. Then, of course - realisation dawns - to do so I'm going to have to find out a lot more about Eighth Air Force and a stack of "Pursuit Squadrons" (whatever the hell they are) to do it justice.


However, my current list of priorities is this:-


1. Get BoB v0.60 out (days, not weeks, hopefully - promises, promises :wink: )


2. Burning Sands '44 v1.1 - A huge expansion to 1.0, extending the campaign timeline from '40 to '44 (and beyond) with Regia Aeronautica, SAAF, RAAF, RCAF and, yes, finally, a stack of USAAF flyable squadrons (slow to catch on, these Yanks :wink: ) - including B-17 and B-24 flyable squadrons. More or less done, but stacks of screenies to do, various squadron texts and campaign intro/win/lose messages to write, many permissions required, and, most problematic, I have to put together an install package - ouch :blink:


3. North Africa '40 & '42 campaigns for Edward's outstanding North Africa terrain. At the playtesting stage, a few problems with Strategic Nodes to sort out, but at least I know now how to sort them. Would somebody please release a Gladiator and maybe a CR.32 & CR.42, else we will be flying appropriately badged Tiger Moths over the Western Desert? (Not that there's anything wrong with that :biggrin: )


4. Just read Osprey's "Kasserine Pass" campaign title, and am fired full of inspiration for Edward's Tunisia terrain. That campaign can easily be built on the work I've done for Burning Sands '44 v1.1, so makes sense to be next in line. Plus, I like the idea of Rommel vs US forces in a historical setting where the outcome is, um, less than predetermined, shall we say :wink:



OK, I just realised I have to give up work and family life. Shame :biggrin:





Edited by Baltika

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Baltika - you rock! :clapping:

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Keith's true, Baltika rocks :good:

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Thanks guys :blush:


The really hard work is done by the terrain builders and plane builders - guys like Edward, Charles, Gepard, all of the A-team members, RussoUK, WOLF257 etc etc - there are many others who have put all the building blocks in place.


Thanks also to everyone who ever posted an answer to a question on the boards about how these sims work, or ever posted a mod here at combatace (or wherever).


And while I'm at it, thanks to everyone who ever downloaded a mod and said something nice - although personally I thought someone would have pointed out by now that my RAF Blenheim squadrons in BoB campaign are flying THE WRONG TYPE OF BLENHEIM :rolleyes: I feel rather disappointed no-one has. Don't worry, it will be fixed in v0.60.


As I say in the readme, feedback welcome, good or bad, and I am thick-skinned.


Everyone rocks :good:


(Group hug)

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