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After Action Reports

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I was thinking, maybe we should have a forum for them. I thought we did and was going to post one for a particularly good mission in SFP1, but noticed there wasn't one.

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I was thinking, maybe we should have a forum for them. I thought we did and was going to post one for a particularly good mission in SFP1, but noticed there wasn't one.


We are actually talking about doing just that by putting a sub forum in the Pub. Haven't figured out a name for it yet though.

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We are actually talking about doing just that by putting a sub forum in the Pub. Haven't figured out a name for it yet though.

Braggin' at the Bar ...

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Well there I was...... 25000 ft no missiles, no guns... i was SOL..........






Oh sorry :blush: AAR's not BS'in around the bar

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Actually, my vote for airborne AARs would be in the Air Combat School.


BSing around the bar and formal AARs sometimes tend to blend into one another...and learning can (and frequently does) occur in either situation.



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I like the "There I was......." I mean that is classic.

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I like the "There I was......." I mean that is classic.


I used to work with a guy who always filled out the beginning of his Incident Reports with "So there I was...". Following a code 5 (assaultive client) on one of our units his report started " So there I was, though I wish I wasn't.."

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