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This one's related to the other thread and I've read it over but how do I fix this?




The problem is the bridgeheads are separate objects from the main span. As you can see, the bridgehead on the right sits on top of the terrain resulting in it not matching up with the main span hightwise. I assume to fix the problem I have to make the terrain under the bridgehead the same height as the main span...which is the same as the river? My question is how do you find such a small area on the .HFD?? Alternatively is there a way to lower the object height instead? IMO the way it is now just looks like A**. :rolleyes:


ps. Obviously this is the first time I've tried to use the TE so please excuse me for being dumb.

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I'd like to learn this too, as ther are a couple areas in the AmericaNW terrains I"d like to flaltten for a small upgread I'm doing to it (more target areas)


But the TE scares me.....



kevin stein

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Yup, me too. I'd like to flatten some parts of a terrain to add extra airfields. . .

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