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Thicker, Puffier Clouds

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I have been working changing the appearance of the clouds in FE. I thought the default

clouds, particularly in Scattered Clouds looked too thin and decidedly "un-cloudlike".

There are several downloads available for sfp1/wov/woe cloud edits. But one was an edit

for horizon clouds and the other that removes all horizon clouds and uses only 3d clouds.

I wanted something for FE that improves the look of the 3D clouds for FE.

So whilst tweeking this, that, and the other thing I've been fiddling with my

environmentsystem.ini file. And that lead to editing cloud1.tga and so on. So now I like

the looks of the clouds in my install much better now. Here's what I saw originally:


default Scattered Clouds / Broken Clouds:



I thought Broken Clouds generally looked okay, but I still couldn't resist tinkering with it

anyway. Overall, my goal was to eliminate the faded, simple circular blobs from the clouds

and generate complex shapes with thicker, fuller looking clouds. The kind that makes you

lay on the grass and figure out what animal they are, hehehe. The most striking improvement

is with the scattered clouds.


New Scattered Clouds:



New Broken Clouds:



I also really didn't like the skies in InClement weather. The cloud layer looked completely

incongruous with the horizon colors. Most everything was a featureless, muddy gray.

And I never saw rain while on this setting. So I set about changing that too. I'm not sure

if you can see the rain in this screenshot, but it is there. I don't have

a "before" screenshot but here is what it look like now:


New Inclement Clouds:



I couldn't figure out how to get clouds to appear in Clear clouds. I'll keep trying, but I can

live with it if it's not possible. I'll be posting this in the downloads section shortly.





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Good stuff, man. :good: Messin' with the clouds is fun.



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I missed the link to your cloud1.tga? Clouds add a welcome dimension to dogfights, thanks.

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