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Okay, after the F2B, thought I'd check them all, as it was not my latest version of it. As it happens the AlbD3 is not either - a quite different, early version. The corrrect one is here as zip for those that have d/l'ed, and have updated file in downloads section.


Sorry, I left them a couple of weeks ago, and didn't name them well, so when I came back, selected wrong ones. have checked all, and if nothing else, they are the correct files.




As a consolation, cos I know the early d/l'ers probably read this topic, here are some extras.


Well, I've said you can't get enough Camels. Its true, but also true about Albatros' as well, for me. Biggles and all that I guess.


So the extra pack includes an Albatros d1, Albatros d2, Albatros Dv (as against Dva) - they are all very nice. similar to others but different too, maybe best Albs yet. i will update Borts AlbD1 and AlbD2s with these FMs, but not going to do it till later, so these use TKs Dva model. As does the Dv. You just need to copy the AlbDva folder and rename the copied folders AlbatrosD1 etc. Then drop the two files for each (data file and ini file for each plane into folder). Funnily enough my first Alb was the hardest FM to do, but here I am now churning them out as if I'm a german production factory!


JFM did some really nice early Alb skins that look the part, if you missed these.


But the interesting one is an "experimental" Camel. Its not complete by a long shot (eg top speed 100mph), but just for you to try out if you like, as it exhibits a typical Camel characteristic. Its fun and a challenge to fly and in a dogfight, and quite interesting generally, more movement, bouncing. Its probably the one I'll use to try a spin, again later. Oddly enough the AI doesn't seem to have any issues with it - which is good, bodes well for the future.





Edited by peter01

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Just to recap:


It gets complex doesn't it?

And another layer of the onion is exposed... :blink:


RE: the mistaken AlbD3 FM release, it was a killer AI experience...


RE: Camel. From the little I've read on pilot's experiences flying the Camel, new pilots were afraid to even turn it around for fear of it spinning, and it required constant stick attention.

I always thought (in my imagination, I am no pilot...) it would've handled in a very "sudden" fashion, kinda like when you fly any FE aircraft on speed x2 or x4... know what I mean?

So I'm really looking forward to trying this new Camel out the way you describe it with "more movement". It is the toughest bird to land (with all its wings on) so far; best to use a straight approach.


Not sure how many incorporate the "head-shake" mod [posted here], it really adds a lot to the cockpit experience, and certainly makes it tough to get an accurate shot!!!

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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Another F2B Brisfit update.




The problem wasn't the climb, I think now it was some typo somewhere in the [MissionData]. Very obscure, had to replace everything non-FM related in the file as it only affected the AI, before I solved it.


Now flying it more, decided to reduce the gunner firing to the front too, his arc is now limited. The Brisfit is good enough as is. And as it should be...just following on discussion in previous thread, its been done according to what I know: even tho claims by Brisfit crews have been clearly shown to be over optimistic, they could hold their own against any german 1918 fighter in a dogfight. And with a gunner they were more than a match, so much so that the germans avoided them...the Brisfits took to flying in pairs rather than squadrons to entice attacks!!


Thats my understanding anyway. So yep, its pretty good, despite its size, for both player, and as AI.


BTW, any comments on the experimental Camel?

Edited by peter01

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hey ya peter

I was just wondering about the Tripe i dont remember adding a new FM for it but I do remember adding 1 to the Snipe

Did I just miss it somehow , or was it not in the FM's Dl's

Cheers M8


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Thx Tailspin

I didnt have any of them !!!

but i was sure i did !!!

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Hi gambit, there are newer versions done of Pup/Tripe/AlbD3/Fe2b/F2b/Dh2, included with the new ones like the Snipe, Fokker D7s - its called Late War Set in the d/l section.

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Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work in this section. You're doing an awesome job. Also, I want to thank everyone for offering constructive critques...this is how a community should act to get a better experience for everyone.



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Hey Peter,


First of all, let me echo FastCargo's thoughts and thank you for all the hard work.

Your FMs are really improving the game a lot! I'm not just shooting down the

enemy anymore...I trying to stay alive!


You asked for feedback on your experimental Camel, so...


It climbs and dives prodigously. I keep thinking the altimeter is lying, hehehe.

There isn't as much torque effect as I would expect from a Camel. In fact there

is less here than with most of your FMs with inline engines. I would expect a

lot in the rotary-engined aircraft. Correct me if I'm wrong in this.


In turns to the right or left it throws it's nose high over the horizon. The rudder

seems to have little or no effect in countering this, though the rudder works just

fine in level flight. All the controls are very lively otherwise, particularly pitch if

you can get the plane oriented correctly. I'm missing the speed, but you already

know about that one. It seems to no interest in stalling even with it's frequent

nose-up attitude.


That's it. Loving the Camel-a, by the way. It's my favorite Camel so far.



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Thanks for comments Shrikehawk. Appreciate them.


Speed, many things still not done. No spins, rudder will be improved too, yep. Pitch needs to be more responsive, twitchy and improved as well. I did say experimental!


Stalls are not low compared to most, just weak at this stage. Torque in this game is not gyro effects, and increasing makes takeoff hairy too.


But, all that is simple stuff, easily done, the reason I posted was that in turns to right it goes down, turns to left it goes up, markedly - that is the most distinctive Camel characteristic (with spins accompanying all this). Turn to the right is very quick, turn to left is not. Whichever way, you need to apply opposite rudder immediately. Its tricky and interesting in a dogfight. Its a first, I think.


Just as importantly, it works as an AI too. And flying against it you do what thay would have done.


I think its just great to fly too.

Edited by peter01

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Something a little new from me - 2-seaters for 1917-18 period. All new FMs. Breguet14, Aviatik, DFWC5, Be2D, RolandC2/Walfisch. Tried to get AI working well too - but bombing success/orders etc have not changed.


Plus Latons FokkerDVIII, maybe a bit different too! Note with FokkerDVIII top speed is around 6000ft.


I'm redoing some of the late war ones, actually complete. But I'll wait a week or so if any feedback on these, and then upload entire lot to d/l section. Complete as in .... i won't be doing anymore on them AT ALL until after TKs update. What I have been doing is slowly getting the feel or flying qualities how I'd like, and I'd say they are pretty good, no exceptions. Also tweaking AI, consistency,takeoffs. I will describe briefly the changes I have made when I upload.


Couple of points, am starting to change max speeds from s/l for some to higher altitudes. Its specified in the data file at top if this is the case. With takeoff, they are all fine I think. If some are a little highly strung, then start at 0% throttle, and throttle up. Its the first second or two at 100% throttle that causes the most jittery bit in this game.





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Okay, last ones for a while - certainly until some time after TKs update - should be in CA downloads section shortly.


Was flying the 2-seaters for some time last night and they seem fine so thought I d/l now rather than wait....I'd like to get this finished as well!!


Spent time tweaking and tweaking over several weeks - in terms of feel and flying characteristics, AI , and consistency for the previous late war set i posted a couple of weeks ago. In terms of AI, its improved even more for the very late planes, as well as Camel, Spad13, Se5a - these are extremely capable as AI and do some quite interesting maneouvers at times.


I think this is as good as it can be at present...and I think many of you will like them too.


All the previous lot except 2 seaters I posted here above have changed one way or another - sometimes minor, sometimes AI only, sometimes major.


The major ones, very briefly, are:


AlbD3 - tightened feel, was too light, performance the same

PfalzD3 - new, better, about equal in capability to Albs

PfalzD8 - different feel somewhat

PfalzD12 - minor changes to Charles, but works very well, actually my favourite

SchukertD3 - different feel somewhat

FokkerD8 - improved pitch, turns better

Camel - quite different, far more capable, minor quirks introduced

Snipe - better capability

F2B Brisfit - takes off fine now

Se5a - roll reduced, tightening on dive reduced, better dogfighter now


Have fun, cheers

Edited by peter01

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