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Uploading Pics To Albums

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I know there there is a limit to the number of albums one can have (4). But is there a max file size or max file size per album? I've tried uploading some images several times (both singly and with the bulk up-loader), with different browsers (FF,IE), and with different computers. For this one album/set of pics, it looks like it's done uploading, but leaves me with a blank page (all white).


Any ideas what's gone wrong? :unsure:

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what format are the pictures in? jpg, bmp?

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JPG, I was talking ot USAFMTL the other day, and we were thinking that it had something to do with my dial up....

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Just a quick update: I tried uploading pics (jpg) both with the bulk loader and singly with a different computer (#4) on a high speed connection. I still go the blank page :(

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Here's what my screen looks like when I get the error :unsure:

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What do you track on FlightAware.com?

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I used to flight follow for friends @ school, and some of my own flights. It's also useful for figuring out routes to other airports. Most recently, I used it when I worked @ KASH, waiting for our customer to come in. :)

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I work for an Air Charter Company and we use it all the time to track flights. It's not as accurate as WebAsd, but it's within 15 minutes...so I'm fine with that. Just something I noticed on your screenshot and was curious.

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It's pretty handy. I think fboweb had a plugin for google earth that allowed you to track it in 3d.

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posted that a while back somewhere...not sure where. They even have a plugin to fly a sim plane over your hometown coords.

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I'm still unable to upload more pictures. Anything else I should try?

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*** Unable to upload to any album, public or private....

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Same here, tried to upload my WW1 Fly-in pics. Got the white page after finishing uploading.



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worked OK for me the other night.

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Can you create your own album and upload to that?



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Can you create your own album and upload to that?




That is what I did. Created an album and tried to upload the fly-in pics. When the upload was finished, it displayed a blank white page.

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I tried again with a new album and was able to upload 2 pics with my new cable connection...but thats it... :(

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