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European Modern aircrafts

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Hi, everyone.


I Missed some modern aircrafts like Typhoon EF-2000, or Mirage 2000 and Rafales for downloading. What about this planes? Why anyone develope these?

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Planes that I know or I suppose that are WIP.




Tu-95 (is it WIP?Please say yes!)










Will I be banned by posting things that only admins are allowed to post?

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Guest Sony Tuckson

what do you mean?

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Muhahaha thats true!

Check in Marcelo´s site in Wip Session there is EF-2000 and Rafale, somwone sayd to me the Mirage Factory are working on more Mirages!

Edited by Silverbolt

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Will I be banned by posting things that only admins are allowed to post?


Nope, why would we ban you if you're helping someone out? :good:


Personally I'm thinking the Gripen or the Mig-31 will be the ones to be released as they seem to be further along than the the other WIPs but keep in mind, I'm not involved any of these projects so I don't know what's going down.

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You mean only europe planes?



Well, I thought the thread title and first post by the threadstarter to be explicit enough... :wink:

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What, Russia isn't European enough for you guys? :grin:

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