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Indian Air Force floats tender for 126 fighter jets

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Somehow, with Musharraf having to deal with both Al-Qaeda/Taliban insurgents AND facing heavy public criticism due to unstable political situations, I wonder if it will be Pakistan India has to worry about, or more islamic terrorism, which may not be linked with Pakistan... (the terrorists may even try to weaken Pakistan as a country by attacking India and India goes to war against Pakistan because it believes that Pakistan sponsored that terrorism... ) - what that could lead to is a really messed-up situation... :ohmy::wacko:

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Somehow, with Musharraf having to deal with both Al-Qaeda/Taliban insurgents AND facing heavy public criticism due to unstable political situations, I wonder if it will be Pakistan India has to worry about, or more islamic terrorism, which may not be linked with Pakistan... (the terrorists may even try to weaken Pakistan as a country by attacking India and India goes to war against Pakistan because it believes that Pakistan sponsored that terrorism... ) - what that could lead to is a really messed-up situation... :ohmy::wacko:


This is what Mush wants the world to believe, that he(and the previous governments) has control over the terrorists who infliltrate into India from Pakistan. But the fact of the matter is it is Pakistan which actively supports these terrorists.Have yo useen the movie "Vertical Limit", where the Paki Army commander starts Arty shelling by saying "Oh well its 3'o clock, time to wake up the Indians". This is what they actually do in real life as well. Begin Arty shelling and firing on Indian positions to divert attention of the Indian Army and cover the terrorists who inflitrate into India. Just read how and why the 1965 Indo-Pak war started and you will know.

There is a deep nexus between Pakistan's Inteliigence Agency, ISI and the Al-Mosquitoes and Lashkar-e-wekillinfidels of the world, most of whom are based in Pakistan. There are terrorist training camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir, which have been photographed by satellites and UAVs.

Mush and the Paki government are untrustworthy. Look at what we got for the peace initiatives that the India government took in 1998. Our PM went to Lahore in a bus and in 1999 we had those pesky Pakis occupying our land n Kargil.They of course , were kicked out, but not before the loss of many Indian lives.

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