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Nicholas Bell

Interesting Constant Peg Photos

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The MiG 21 cockpit view is quite enlightening. Apart from the clearness of glass, the small size and color of the piper really struck me. I'm always grumbling on how hard they are to see, that there isn't enough contrast, and they seem too small. Maybe I'm stop complaining now :biggrin:



Edited by Nicholas Bell

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That's an interesting shot. What causes the centre of the HUD image to be magnified ?


I've never seen that effect before !

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I would imagine its done by a concave/convex "lense" in the middle of the glass HUD window. You can the slightly rounded "circle" of the HUD in the pic. Pretty much a magnifying glass.

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I would imagine its done by a concave/convex "lense" in the middle of the glass HUD window. You can the slightly rounded "circle" of the HUD in the pic. Pretty much a magnifying glass.


The MiG-21 cockpits we have make it to appear more like a hole in the glass. Not trying to throw stones at the artist - I certainly don't have the ability do that level of work.

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There is another possibility for the magnification, never having sat in a MiG-21 myself to be sure. The magnification effect could be an optical illusion caused by the camera. Just another of those things that get captured on film that you don't really see sitting in the seat, like the propeller on a Cessna.


A friend of mine was in the back seat of a P-51D that he worked on (Shangri LA owned by Vintage Fighters in Clarksville Indiana) and was takeing a picture of a P-40 from dirctly underneath. Both he and the pilot/shop supervisor were amazed when they looked at the photo. You could clearly see the pilot's helmet reflcted on the P-51's canopy imposed over the P-40 belly as he looked up to maintain position on the P-40. Neither of them saw the reflection on the canopy at the time!

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