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DC-130 Drone mothership

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As a newbie I am trying to learn the intricacies of WOE by doing some fairly simple modifications and I am currently looking at modifying an existing C-130 to carry and launch from under its wings 2 or more BQM-34 drones as the DC-130 did for real.


Can anyone tell me if its possible to turn the current downloadable BMQ-34 drone so that WOE recognises it as a launchable missle rather than a flyable aircraft, which files would I need to add or delete or modify to create a BQM-34 missile?




Edited by lazboy

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That should be okay to do (I think), I would imagine the main steps to make it work are...


1. Take the BMW-34 lod file and create a new weapon with it (probably a cruise missile)

2. Make a new aircraft from the C-130, and edit the ini files so that it will have the correct weapon stations, loadouts, etc.

3. New paintjob to suit the aircraft

4. About a gazillion testing hours.


A lot of the information and instruction you will need can be found here in the Knowledge Base.


One possible snag; you may need a modeler to make you some new pylons for the drones.

Edited by bibbolicious

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That should be okay to do (I think), I would imagine the main steps to make it work are...


1. Take the BMW-34 lod file and create a new weapon with it (probably a cruise missile)

2. Make a new aircraft from the C-130, and edit the ini files so that it will have the correct weapon stations, loadouts, etc.

3. New paintjob to suit the aircraft

4. About a gazillion testing hours.


A lot of the information and instruction you will need can be found here in the Knowledge Base.


One possible snag; you may need a modeler to make you some new pylons for the drones.


Thanks for the insight into what i am getting myself into, i may lack skill but i have plenty of time and endless patience.

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-- snip --

1. Take the BMW-34 lod file and create a new weapon with it (probably a cruise missile)



BMW-34??? Is this a new 3 series I haven't heard about? :dntknw: Perhaps with the 5/7 series 4.0L V-8?? Maybe something for only the Euro market??? :haha:


Back to the subject...


I like the idea of making a cruise missile out it!! There was supposed to be a 'Drone Launch Facility' on the Range Terrain, but I've never seen it (well, working anway).....hmm...perhaps model them as a SAM, ....nah, that wouldn't work. (rats!)


I'd model it with parameters like the SRAM (didn't the Firebee's have a pretty good range?), but give it NO weapon (ie: no warhead)

Possibly make it TV guided, equip the drone carrier with a 'fake' LLTV, and perhaps you'd be able to watch through the 'nose camera' as it overflys it's target (or more likely crashes into it)


Some very interesting concepts here...and probably MOST workable/doable!



kevin stein

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