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Single missions, SO FAR AWAY

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I've mentioned this before, but info has been found that I could use some help with.


I was rummaging through CAT files with SFPIE and found a SingleMission.dll. It shows like this from WoE;












Now, one of my peeves is that when testing out a new airframe, unless it is on the range, aircraft with "legs" usually have to go a couple of hundred miles each way

for a strike mission, my fave.


The above parameters look to have no bearing on this situation, but has anyone out there discovered any "hidden" options like MaxRange= or the like?


I mean, I can edit a few files, and add the new airframe to a campaign and get reasonable specs, but would love to in Singles as well.


Anyone? Bueller?



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In my experience, almost all of the declarations and values in the singlemission.dll, are either variables that one sets in the mission difficulty screen (time of day, mission weather, the opposition's anti-air and aircraft defense levels, etc.), or, only pertain to scripted missions.

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The MinStrikeValue is awfully high...


I've used "20" for the DS mod, but in several others, I've set it down to "05". That opens a WHOLE slew of low-value targets (as defined in the terrain types inis)


You could find you flight tasked with blowing up a parked fuel truck, barracks, outhouse, moose, what ever! Now mind you, that DOES create some problems with unvulnerable targets (like the concrete pad for the Factory Place), so the varying entries would need to be adjusted in the types ini, thusly:




FullName=Concrete Pad




TargetValue=0 <- note lack of value


















kevin stein

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Guest Saganuay82

The target value that Wrench points out is what I have changed to have a target avialable as a STRIKE target. Below 100 and the game won't look at it to target. I do not believe that has anything to do with how close you are to a target from the airfield.

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Well, this gives some insight, so I appreciate it.


Maybe ratcheting it down will allow closer targets.


What I would REALLY like is a save button after campaign missions! Some of the Alpha Strikes created in the newest WoE patch are phenomenal!

Being able to open one of those in Notepad and tweak airframes would rock!


I am thinking of seeing what the values expressed in campaigns is, and trying them in this SingleMission.ini and seeing if it blows things up.

But that value dealio is one place to start.

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Guest Saganuay82

Thinking about something I did before. Instead of lowering the min strike value, it is better to raise the value of the target. That way you can pick out of the types .ini in what you want to be able to blow up.


TargetValue=0 I raised that above the MinStrikeValue in my Israeli terrain so I could hit terrorist camp tents along the coast. That way after selecting Single Mission a few times it picked up the tents as targets automatically.

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