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FW-190F8 "Jabo"

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FW-190F8 "Jabo"

Focke Wulf Fw-190F Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/MTO/SWOTL Installs:


This package includes skin and ini mods of the original 190 into the =definitave= 190F ground attack/close support version.


This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircraft =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wish that the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger.

All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I call it semi-complete package for the above reason, but NEW data, loadout, cockpit and main inis are included, due to several modifications I've effected. There are even new hangar and loading screens, specifically designed for this ground-attack version.


There are 2 skins in this package (hence the ETO/MTO tag at the top!):


9/SG4 based in France & Germany in the post D-Day time frame (attached to KG51);

I-SG4 based on Sardinia for use in the MTO/Italian theatre.


It is suggested that you do NOT mix these skins in the same theatre of operations, but rather 'split' the install between your ETO and MTO game setups.


---- Please note you MUST have the latest Weapons Pack for the WW2 Axis weapons ----


PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, and other important notes. I wrote it...you better read it!!

Most importantly, information about the modified loadouts (see picture above for some idea of what you can get!)


Happy Hunting!


Kevin Stein


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