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Hi, Im new to this forum. I recently started flying WoV and I must say that I like it alot. I am having a problem however, I have read through the documentation thouroghly but can for the life of me figure out how to get a missile (heat or radar guided) to lock a target. Perhaps one, or maybe some of you could give me a couple hints or pointers on how to send one right up a Migs tail pipe. :biggrin:



I must also note that I love the moddabilty of this sim, being active in the CFS3 community and mission developer for the MAW team, I do enjoy modding as much as flying. I have already installed an add-on weapons pack, some nice CCR and Jimi Hendrix music, new explosion effects, a couple new aircraft, and some add-on campaigns. This sim, as with all the Thirdwire series have a great potential for some really awsome mods. :good:


Thanks in advance for any help with my question.




Edited by corpse grinder

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Easiest way to get a lock is switch to boresight mode and get within 10 miles then just point your nose at the target. Insta-lock! :grin:


Then for the AIM-7 you watch for the "in range" light on the panel (and not a large X saying you're too close) or for the AIM-9 or other IR missile you listen for the growl to get louder.


Locking up a target using search mode is more difficult.

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Hi cg, welcome to the fold :good:


Take a look at this comprehensive radar guide by streakeagle:-




And remember also that in the stock SFP1/WoV/WoE timeframe, a missile lock will not necessarily give you a missile kill :wink:


Happy hunting,



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And remember also that in the stock SFP1/WoV/WoE timeframe, a missile lock will not necessarily give you a missile kill :wink:


And don't we know it...... :biggrin: I can't count how many times in my F-4, fired 8 missiles not a single hit. And since I didn't have a gun, back to the carrier I went....but hey that is what makes this series fun.

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It's not really an option here, but in Il-2 I perfected the "meat grinder" method of chopping off a tail with my prop. :grin:

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