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Is it possible to make a helicopter such as a UH-1B land and take off again outside of an airbase? Im trying to make some Hueys go in and "pick up" some troops then leave and return to base. :grin: If its possible, could someone please point me in the right direction of hows its done? :blush:




Thanks in advance




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Is it possible to make a helicopter such as a UH-1B land and take off again outside of an airbase? Im trying to make some Hueys go in and "pick up" some troops then leave and return to base. :grin: If its possible, could someone please point me in the right direction of hows its done? :blush:

Thanks in advance



AFAIK there is no mechanism within the game engine for a "pick up" and return, or a loiter. Perhaps you could simulate the landing by using a low level waypoint, but I don't think you could model a true landing and then return (unless you flew it yourself). The game engine was designed for airplanes and not really for helo operations, that's why such missions aren't available.


I know YAP has some rescue missions using helo's, but I forget how they did it. I do recall that the rescues were simulations only and were not performed by the a/i.

Edited by tank03

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Guest Saganuay82

So you are saying that in YAP, the rescue helos don't land and pick up the downed pilot? Can you tell us some more?

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So you are saying that in YAP, the rescue helos don't land and pick up the downed pilot? Can you tell us some more?


IIRC, in YAP you fly a Jolly and hover over the downed pilot. The helo is modded to include a downward facing "gun" and you complete the rescue by hitting the target with the gun (ironic isn't it?). This suppossdly simulates using the winch to raise up the pilot. You don't actually land to accomplish the mission.


There is another mission using the A1-H in which the a/c lands on a dirt strip to simulate picking up the pilot.


This only applies to the missions I purchased, I don't know if any of the other missions have different methods.

Edited by tank03

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I have the missions. The helos just fly over the downed airmen withought stopping and it is considdered a pick up. There is also an air cavilry mission but i dont hink they land there either.

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Is it possible to make a helicopter such as a UH-1B land and take off again outside of an airbase?


The answer is unfortunately "no"... This is because the mission engine, doesn't allow you to add another waypoint after a "TOUCH_DOWN" waypoint. So your huey will land on the TOUCH_DOWN waypoint but then never take off after...

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The answer is unfortunately "no"... This is because the mission engine, doesn't allow you to add another waypoint after a "TOUCH_DOWN" waypoint. So your huey will land on the TOUCH_DOWN waypoint but then never take off after...

I´m not sure, because my mission building skills are poor as hell, but i noticed AI wingman and other flights just disappear when their mission is done (when they landed and reached the magic speed of 0 knots :biggrin: ). So is it possible to "spawn" new flights in a mission? If so it would need a little tweaking, but should be possible to let flight one land at a specific point and at the time it dissapears, flight 2 is entering service and starts at the same position? just a guess, what do you think?

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Good try Florian but no... It wont be possible to do that :wink: for two reasons.


1- AIs disappear only if they land on airbase or carrier. If you make them land on a drop zone, they will just stay there


See with this little vid ...


Hueys in Assault


2- It wont be possible to know exactly when the flight 2 have to "spawn"...

Edited by kreelin

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Guess i made a homer? :biggrin:

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how did u guys get the flight model to be so realistic? I thought that it was impossible to do that with the system

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I'm not an INI expert....heck barely an amateur, but here's a spin on the idea. Instead of extracting something, why not try inserting a SOF team or something? You could probably have the choppers fly low and slow to and from the way point, and then go back to cruise... Just a thought :)

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itś very good! you can stay, and reverse fligt......... but it´s so very hard to learn

i love low atitude fly!

Edited by vrkuboy

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