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Jamming devices and squadmates

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I'm back with yet another question (2 parter)


I would like to know what is the most/best effective jamming device against sams and when I place these devices on wingmen ac's do the use them? I'm flying Linebacker II (F-4) and had ALL the squad fitted with said devices and still lost two ac's to sams. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!


Viper6 Out!

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If jammers were always effective, you'd never need to carry expendables.


There is no such thing as a 100% effective jammer (unless you count destroying the SAM missile complex).


And how big was your squad? 4, 8, 12, 16? Heck, 2 out of 16 in a Linebacker campaign? I'd say you're doing pretty good!


Others here may have better options for ya though.



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If jammers were always effective, you'd never need to carry expendables.


There is no such thing as a 100% effective jammer (unless you count destroying the SAM missile complex).


And how big was your squad? 4, 8, 12, 16? Heck, 2 out of 16 in a Linebacker campaign? I'd say you're doing pretty good!


Others here may have better options for ya though.



I was leading a flight of 12 the 1st time, then a flight of 8 right off the bat 2 get hit by sams. another question is why don't they take some kind of evasive actions? when my sam warning tells me that im a target i turn my ac into rubber trying to find the sam to out turn it, but ,the squad just stays at altitude and takes their chances :blink:


Edited by Viper6

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I was leading a flight of 12 the 1st time, then a flight of 8 right off the bat 2 get hit by sams. another question is why don't they take some kind of evasive actions? when my sam warning tells me that im a target i turn my ac into rubber trying to find the sam to out turn it, but ,the squad just stays at altitude and takes their chances :blink:



Well, the AI reaction to most threats is far from being perfect, but they do react to incoming SAMs by dropping Chaff (when available). Therefore, you can't say they do not react at all. :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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Well, the AI reaction to most threats is far from being perfect, but they do react to incoming SAMs by dropping Chaff (when available). Therefore, you can't say they do not react at all. :wink:
ok then after the chaff is gone there are MANY more sams and they do not follow me down into the weeds to escape, they just stay at the same altitude and get hit. so, i just tell them to engage ground targets as i continue to jink at VERY low levels til the sams site loses lock or til i get to the target to remove it from the face of the planet. :biggrin:

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Best luck I've had if they don't follow, as you drop, is to have them engage other ground targets. Another method that sometimes works is if you come in low before radar contact your flight should be with you around the same altitude, (you have to tell them to follow you though); watch out for the ZSU 23-4; he'll rip you to shreds :ok: .

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Best luck I've had if they don't follow, as you drop, is to have them engage other ground targets. Another method that sometimes works is if you come in low before radar contact your flight should be with you around the same altitude, (you have to tell them to follow you though); watch out for the ZSU 23-4; he'll rip you to shreds :ok: .
Rgr that! those ZSU's are NO JOKE! What is the best way to tell them to follow me? get low and tell them to rejoin?

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Rgr that! those ZSU's are NO JOKE! What is the best way to tell them to follow me? get low and tell them to rejoin?

I hit Tab #6 for Squadron and #4 for rejoin. Also some of these guys are knuckleheads (AI); make sure you pick the best out of the flight roster. :ok:

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Keep in mind that some SAMs have home-on jam capability. And that feature works quite well, in this series.

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Keep in mind that some SAMs have home-on jam capability. And that feature works quite well, in this series.
Tell me about it! so i'm crap if i turn it on and toast if i don't! :blink:

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I hit Tab #6 for Squadron and #4 for rejoin. Also some of these guys are knuckleheads (AI); make sure you pick the best out of the flight roster. :ok:
I do the same thing. the sad part is that if my better pilots get hit then i'm flying with rookies :blink:

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Guest Saganuay82

Cycle your jammer when you are looking for the SAM. Pray also. :)

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Cycle your jammer when you are looking for the SAM. Pray also. :)
A whole lot of that takes place lol! The best thing is that i can really see the smoke trail in time to out turn it, the worst is those night missions :blink: no smoke trail until you are RIGHT close to it and it is ALL BAD from that point!!

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There is a voice mod too, that calls out the flight number of the aircraft the sam was fired at. I think it is in the sound mod download area. It also tells you if you have a bogey on your tail. I find myself getting wacked when I get fixated during air to air and my wing man calls me with a sam warning and I blow him off. :no:

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