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Mikoyan MiG 9 Strike Fighters Project One Add-on by Timmy and Lexx_Luthor.


In response to a state requirement issued in February 1945 for a pure jet fighter, the MiG OKB developed a twin-engine, straight-wing aircraft that was given the designation of "I-300". It was also referred to by the internal OKB code of "izdeliye F (model or product F)". And was finally designated "MiG-9" by the Soviet Union and code named "Fargo" by NATO. The first of three prototype performed its initial flight on 24 April 1946, with test pilot Alexei N. Grinchik at the controls, making it the first Soviet pure jet aircraft to take to the sky. It beat its competitor, the Yakovlev Yak-15 jet fighter, into the air by only an hour.


There are six skins included. One basic Soviet Silver version. One Soviet silver with lightning bolts. One People's Republic of China - silver with red nose and wingtips. One PRC solid green camoflage. One PRC Grey/Green Camoflage. One fictional Polish scheme.


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Nice, another neat target !!! :smile:

BTW...You forget to add weapon data entry for drop tanks... I think :smile:

Edited by starfighter2

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nice model :smile:

- the ailerons have the animation reversed, easy to fix be setting the "ReverseModelOrientation=" entry to false or remove it in the data ini

- and in the MiG-9.ini, the view distance for the lod is set to only 1000 meters, which means that the the lod appears very late ...

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very good job :good:


a fun and unusual plane ready for Berlin 1949


another problem for me


the Seat_M15.lod do not exist for me

but with Seat-M15.lod it work well in my game










thank you :biggrin:

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I likes it!! Fun and simple, fairly easy to fly.


If I might make a suggestion for a cockpit, what about that single jet unit I built from the Spit Pit, for use on the Vampire? Even though it's set for non-metric measurments, it looks pretty good in/on mine.

I also have a nice Russkie gunsight, if you want's it.


If I could figure out the re-calibrations for metric...and relable the gauges in cyrilic...it'd be super!


Great job to Timmy and Lexx!!!



kevin stein

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Very good plane :good:


But I have a small problem: what should I add to weapondata.ini to make the fuel tanks available? I can't find in the readme what lines to add... :unsure:

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I remember having read that part of the readme, but my problem is that I don't know what to copy-and-paste in the weapondata.ini in order to actually import the fuel tanks in the game. :smile:

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First -- Timmy, thank you for letting me help, and for sparking my interest in learning some FM stuff.




Wow, its here. As standard procedure, I left some embarassing errors in the DATA file...first is the engine exhaust which I setup for my personal effect. Nobody else has it.





You want to use ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter. One may prefer the sim's DirtyExhaustEmitter however, as I barely can see the clean stuff on my system.


Timmy, if I send you some corrections, can you update the download.







Ignore the global variable MachLimit. I set MachLimit=25 because I added artificial drag to the fuselage to achieve the correct maximum speed (at 10km altitude). I prefer to tweak engine and drag variables to get the max speeds without the game's artificial airspeed limit.


I set Ceiling=15000 (in meters) but it can't be reached in practical use. I prefer to tweak engine, lift, and drag variables to get an expected maximum practical altitude. The Ceiling variable simply makes the engine rapidly drop in thrust to zero near the specified altitude. I try to do this myself using the engine thrust tables.



Bad:: The FM is my very first.



Worse:: The FM is entirely experimental. For example, I don't model the outer wings as aerodynamic surfaces. I'll copy a poast I recently made at a ThirdWire FM thread concerning this...



It Gets Even Worse:: My FM DATA file is about HALF the size of "normal" FM files for an aircraft like this. There are two reasons for this.


(1) I only put in the FM what I understand right now. Later if I learn more, I can add more.


(2) Ultimately, my goal is a simplified FM to allow hundreds of aircraft flying in mass strategic missions across a vastly enlarged map, similar in spirit to USAAF 8th AF vs Luftwafe Reich Defense, but covering 1947 to 1967 with Strategic Air Command and Soviet PVO air defense. Right now, I'm getting a good 20% increase in ideal test performance with the simplified FM. I was hoping to get more. We'll see.


Timmy and I have a more "normal" FM that is, to me, alot more fun to fly with some really nice high and low speed effects, but the AI has the typical dogfighting issues as described below. Timmy, would you like to offer the "normal" FM as an optional DATA file for your downloaders?





Yea, I'm into my first attempts at FM molding, and the AI has one (1) goal during a dogfight -- get down to 300km/hr at sea level.


I'm having to artificially limit the pitch to prevent AI from losing all energy. I know the [AI Data]'s elevator section might fix this, but that allows the player to "cheat" the AI, pulling hard when the AI cannot. So I "fix" -- as in cripple -- my "FMs" so the AI and player must maintain high speed in a dogfight (by limiting pitch/AoA potential), but the result makes me think I'm just hacking together the FM, using the FM data file more like a table based FM -- a goal based FM -- to get basic AI behavior working as would be expected. For example, the "normal" or classical style FM results in AI flying MiG-21 vs F-104 ... or MiG-15 vs F-86 ... all starting head-on at near Mach 1 at high altitude but all wind up tight turning flying very slowly near sea level. I have not touched those FMs yet, but I will butcher them all when I get round to them later. I don't mind doing all this, as my goal is not to simulate aircraft aerodynamics but simulate air warfare.


~ Question for T.K. , by Tazkiller ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4669

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During one of my simplified FM framerate tests, I looked up at the sky (to isolate cpu from grafix and terrain hits), and spotted wingperson above, paused and zoomed in. The SF Moon in thin banana phase is next to the lowered wingtip. AwSim model and metal skin Timmy, thanks.



Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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