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Hi @ all


i´m looking for a pilot skin for my CF-188 Hornets. I found some nice pics in the net of canadian pilots but i found no way to skin them. :sorry:




and i found a detailed description of the flight helmet.



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Guest Saganuay82

I do?




Ah yes, him. Still working on him. That was the first test runs. I suppose you are looking for an older grey helmet with orange life preserver seeing how you are from Baden?


Desert Cats with orange vest and tan suit with newer helmet



80s style, bigger helmet with green suit, orange vest and white turtleneck.



All WIPs for me. Need more details added.

Edited by Saganuay82

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yeah you´re right. We´ve had the canadian Airforce in Söllingen quite a time. Very sad they left us! :wink: so it looks like the helmet i´m looking for is an older one? But i must say these older helmets are looking damn good. :biggrin:


EDIT: i´ve found an other pic of the this kind of helmet



Edited by FLT

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but i dont know if you remember, some months ago somewone posted a tiopic with this same helmet of the photo

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hmm...no i can not remember this topic. But if you say so i´m gonna search the forum again. Thx for the tip. :good:

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Guest Saganuay82

Yeah, that helmet, well it would need a good model to be right. I have asked for it a few times.



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i´ve made a little skining work this evening. So i made my own canada pilot skin. you may take a look?





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Guest Saganuay82

Yep, looks good. Everybody flies that bird over the snow. Gawd.......


That pic of yours at the top I think is from the Voodoo demonstration team. Hence the big Canadian flag on the visor.

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Yep, looks good. Everybody flies that bird over the snow. Gawd.......


I just noticed that too....I think you need to show them your terrain Sag and educate people that Canada is not all snow.... :cool::help:

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Hey Sag! That snow looks just perfect ! You know I would never send you a pic with a snow terrain.

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Guest Saganuay82

Yes our country and maybe about 21 of your northern states?


Geeze Ext, thats right, you're from Thunder Bay, I remember that glacier outside of town there. LOL

Edited by Saganuay82

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It is a good thing that we had an ice breaker handy when your ship the Halifax came to our city. Otherwise you would have had to use a snowmachine or dog sled to get to port! :rofl:

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i´m well awared of, that canada is not all snow. The point is i have no canada terrain so i fly the CF-188´s in the DBS Terrain form Maj.Lee. :wink:

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Guest Saganuay82

What part of the series are you flying? SFP1 or WOE? If you only have SFP1 there is a Germany terrain out by Gepard. Has Baden in it I think.

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I just noticed that too....I think you need to show them your terrain Sag and educate people that Canada is not all snow.... :cool::help:



yes, there are mosquitos too!


think of a terrain that is sort of blurry and moves - towards you - while a humming gets louder and louder........



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@ Sag, the germany Terrain i have also installed. And yes, there is the Söllingen Airbase in it. A little bit to far west but it´s in. :biggrin:

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