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Misplaced pilot and missiles

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Flying the MiG-21 with Iraq/Iran war mod I noticed that the pilot is actually sitting behind the ejector seat, you can actually see his head turning and everything.


Same goes for the outer pylon missile rack. The missiles are lagging behind, you can see almost half the missile behind the wing.


How can I fix this, mates?

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Sounds as if the data.ini for that particular MiG-21 is an older, outdated version. The Thirdwire MiG-21 series went through an update a couple of patches ago, and certain coordinates within that model have changed, hence using an older .ini would cause the anomalies that you're experiencing. The fix is to either edit the entries manually, or to use a more recent data.ini file.

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how can I fix it manually??


Open Mig-21MF_DATA.ini and scroll down to this:


// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------






Position=0.0,2.85,0.85 <---- play with these values. You can move your pilot

MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 1.85, 0.05

MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 2.85, 1.05






// Engines ---------------------------------------------------------



For weapons:


// Weapon Stations ---------------------------------------------------------







AttachmentPosition=-2.68,-1.61,-0.42 <<<<<<<<----------- play with these values, similar move like pilot position














And man, have you got Iran Iraq War Quick Update installed?

Get it here:


Edited by kukulino

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Actually, you're gonna WANT to extract the data ini from the object cat. There are more changes than just the positions of the pilot, weapons mounting and afterburner emitter. Several flight parameters where changed or had things added it.


Doing so will allow you to add the line:




to the [AircraftData] section. This gives you an, obviously, metric readout in the little info windows, and matchs the metric displays on those superb Fishbed cockpits.


And, of course, all the weapons have been updated to the latest weapons pak. Which means if you do so, the campaign ini will be 'broken' as BOTH sides now have counrty specific weapons and loadouts.

This means you'll need to update the individual aircraft's loadout inis


Take a look in the Knowledge Base, in the "Weapons Fixes and Loadouts Thread"...all the work has already been done for you by me. All the MiG fixes are there.


Remember, too, the entire map has gone back into the shop for a complete rebuild; ther are now 3x the target areas, new movement ini, new objects, etc. I just need a terrain guru to fix & flatten some items....then have a campaign guru fix the campaign ini.



kevin stein

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Ok, I have this line in the MiG-21 data:




If I want to me him forward, which of all three would I have to modify?

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Ok, I have this line in the MiG-21 data:




If I want to me him forward, which of all three would I have to modify?

The best way to learn this is try.

I mean this:

Position=0.0,2.27,0.85 ----------------- change one of these values and you will see.


If it is not good, you can copy your first values anytime. This is not hard edit, there are harder edits in SFP1 serries.


But OK... Start with 2.27 :rolleyes:



Edited by kukulino

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Hah I remember asking about this! But I have a question regarding misplaced MiG-21MF and PMF things: decals. Half to 3/4ths of the roundel do not show.

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Yeah, I´ve seen that as well. The problem existo on one of the MiG-21MF skin. The other one appears to be ok.

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