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A moment to reflect... :0)

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Just wanted to do something special to mark my 500th post with the BIOHAZ forum. Thats right boys, (and lady)...500 witty, insightful, profound, intelligent, soulful, wry, amusing, thoughtful, idealistic, hyperbolic, astute, vivaciuos, wierd, wonderful, cute, daffy, intense, significant, warm, stimulating, poignant, matchless, manly posts from the guy with machissmo.


Just to keep the conversation on an appropriate, intelligent level, I thought you all might like these little tidbits...






3.) The BASS GAME...a little download.

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Welcome to the "Get a Life or at least get out in the sun a little" gang... :D

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manly posts from the guy with machissmo.



machismo is driving yourself to the hospital as you feel chest pains and smoke a marlboro....machismo is telling your mother in law to her face that she is one ugly b***...machismo is telling the line chief he's wrong..no hold on thats not machismo,thats stupid..err confused there a second.......

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Damn, thats totally not fair. Using my four weeks away to your advantage.... Lets see.... 10 more to go.

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