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ShadowRain X Zero

1989 World in Conflict based campaign

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In RSR, it took a while for renforcements to arrive becuase, Soviet subs and Tu-22M Backfires, supported by Tu-16s and Tu-95 Bear-Ds were beating the sh** out on convoys headed for Europe. And when you have an Iceland under control by Russian paratroopers it would be hard for a C-5 or C-130 loaded with supplies to not get bounced by MiG-29s on CAP. Also C-5s were the only aircraft under NATO that could carry an MBT to Europe at that time.

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I mentioned that it would have taken months because according to WiC game CONUS was invaded and it took awhile to push the russians out. The 2nd front probably would've divide the Soviets forces as much as NATO so I assume the offensive would take longer.


And I agree with Soviet interfering in reinforcing by sea, their huge submarine force have to also be atleast making a dent. I'm just not sure what the 6th fleet were supposed to do.


I think tom clancy's Fight Wing was more of a post Cold War type quick reaction force? The OP mentioned 1989.

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Perhaps I did misunderstand the original question. I thought the intent was to start the campaign from the beginning and not After the baddies were already established. Yes, the 336th IS a rapid deployment force, but if you want to do a campaign based on that time period you should account for something like that because it WILL happen. And I'm kinda miffed at how the Soviets got everything in place and in play without anyone ever noticing in the first place, because they too will need time getting their assets placed. Guess they did manage that somehow, so whatever. OK, spot the opposing team 30 points and lets rock and roll. Good luck with your project, am looking forward to it.

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Good News Guys,


The World in Conflict Campaign test release for WOE is almost done. I'm just doing some tweaks for planes, loadouts, and the campaign itself. Thank you guys so much for your help in this forum.


Also, due to the fact that I haven't had permission to put in 1 pack most of the mods needed for this campaign(and also coz i have only a dial up connection), i urge the would be testers to download the planes and objects used.




F-16C_B30 -- 6 Squadrons

F-15C -- 3 Squadrons

F-15E -- 2 Squadrons

F-4G -- 1 Squadron

B-52G and H -- 2 Squadrons

A-10 -- 4 Squadrons

FA-18A -- 2 Squadrons

A-7E -- 1 Squadron

A-6E TRAM -- 1 Squadron

F-14A -- 2 Squadrons

EA-6B -- 1

E-2C -- 1

AV-8C -- 2

HarrierGR3 -- 4

TornadoGR1A -- 3

F-4M -- 2

F-4F -- 3

F-14QS -- 1

F-111F -- 1


MIG-29A and G



MIG-23M and MLD


as for groundobjects


LHA-1 Tarawa -- put all files to objects\groundobjects\LHA-1\ folder

M1A1 and M3A1 from US Armour Pack

Leopard2A1 -- put all files to objects\groundobjects\Leopard2A1\ folder


as for the other stuff, I'll try to handle the rest with the test release



thanks for the site, it helped a lot


@gocad, gunrunner, bucklehead and the rest

thanks for the advice


I'll try by this weekend to put the test release and by the next two weeks for the initial release

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Guest Saganuay82

Canadians are in Norway?

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You might want to read "Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Airforce Combat Wing" by Tom Clancy. It's quite an insight into the USAF and their strategies. And it's a most excellent read as well.
Yes, I own that book, its outstanding.
Like I said this is stuff availible at this very second.
I know, just throwing it out there for when it does come online thats all

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Like I said this is stuff availible at this very second.



I know, just throwing it out there for when they get finished, thats all

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I'm adding those now. Which airbases do you want them in? And can Canadian F-18's Take off and land from a carrier?




yes they have a tailhook. No, the other stuff for carrier ops is not on the CF-18's and they are NOT TRAINED to do that!!


"Canadian Hornet on final - all hands on deck seek deep shelter!"



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