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What if?

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Just for fun, If you could combine two or three games to have what you would call your "ULTIMATE" PC game....what would they be?


They don't both have to be simulations...

They could be an up and coming game...like LOMAC or HL2


ooooohhhh....scarry... Lock-On Meets Half-Life 2 that would be scary!


I'm remembering the old Miller commercials where you wanted to watch the NHRA Nationals and your wife wanted to watch the Dog Show....and in the process of fighting over the remote...you wound up watching the "Weiner Dog Nationals"


Anyway...have fun with it...



I'll start off with mine: DoomIII meets America's Army



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Harpoon 4 meets Operation Flashpoint meets Lock-On.

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Shuttle vs TIE fighter :D


A bit more serious:


F-19 Stealth fighter vs Falcon 4

Oops not that serious!!!




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Jane's Longbow 2 and F/A-18E flight models and systems with LO-MAC and Il-2 Sturmovik: FB graphics.


And as an addon, Raven Shield + Op-Flashpoint for when you have to eject or are shot down.


For that matter, I want to see Raven Shield + Op-Flashpoint with a dynamic and continuous campaign system. Not pre-generated missions, but a live permanent environment.

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Hearts of Iron + IL2 FB + OP Flashpoint


Note: HOI is a WWII RTS (a map game) imagine combining diplomacy and grand strategy with FPS and Sims, and For IL2 you could be a captain of ships etc. Flashpoint adds the obvious.


Only make it huge like spanning from WWI to Now.


Call it a Real Time Strategic Simulation... with politics and an economy



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my three way includes






Operation Flashpoint



(a true massive multiplayer Air,Land,Sea simulator with the biggest theatres ever seen in a sim.)

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Great Stuff!!!!


Keep 'em coming... here's another:


Leisure Suit Larry meets Grand Theft Auto 2 ?????


Pimpin in style!!!



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Fates, just started playin Vice City (Late I know, I know). Good lord, thats addictive.

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Q about GTAVC? When you kill the mob boss and you take over the house... is that the end of it?


I have the: Mansion, Porn studio, Malibu Club, Printing Press, Taxi Cab place, The Boat Yard, and the Ice Cream place (cant get anybody to buy from me!)


WTF is left? When I check stats, it shows like 60% of missions complete, and I cant find anything else to do in the game.


Any Ideas?

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Sorry snapple......


I don't play...just know of it... =)



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Damn! Maybe Dirickson can tell me whats up when he finishes.



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LOMAC's graphics and FM + Jane's F/A-18's avionics + F4's Dynamic Campaign = Ultimate combat flight sim

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Snap, that extra 40% is from all sorts of stuff like doing all the vigalante, taxi and hosptial missions, doing all the nuique jumps in the game, all sorts of stuff. Try searching online for a GTAVC guide, thats what I did.

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Okay cool! Kinda figured that. But that sh*t isnt that fun.


Cheers, and thanks,


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Yeah, I don't think so either. I like any of the missions involiving car chases, etc. I think you can do street racing somehwere in the game.

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Hey, have you figured out how to get people to buy the... "Ice Cream" :wink:

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