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Reinstall gone awry

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i have deleted my previously installed version of WOE as i had mixed several things together and i wanted a clean reinstall so i could install several mods properly.


here is what happened:

i installed WOE and patched it then added the weapons pack mod and the COMM mod


copied all files and directories then created a NATO - folder for the nato mod...


however some missions had no loadouts so i ran the weapons pack again...


now it is all a bit messed up...i get wrong planes and loadouts etc...



so iam gonna reinstall everything


but for NATO mod...do i have to install the weapons pack ...or not ...and if yes...before or after the NATO mod is installed...


thanks for the help

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i have deleted my previously installed version of WOE as i had mixed several things together and i wanted a clean reinstall so i could install several mods properly.


here is what happened:

i installed WOE and patched it then added the weapons pack mod and the COMM mod


copied all files and directories then created a NATO - folder for the nato mod...


however some missions had no loadouts so i ran the weapons pack again...


now it is all a bit messed up...i get wrong planes and loadouts etc...

so iam gonna reinstall everything


but for NATO mod...do i have to install the weapons pack ...or not ...and if yes...before or after the NATO mod is installed...


thanks for the help



Do not install the weps pack with the NATO Mod! For the 1 MILLIONTH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just poking at you. :biggrin:

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You will need to have a clean install of WOE just for Natofighters1+2, and a another clean for another mod and etc.

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READ ME'S are wonderful things! :biggrin:

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