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For the love of god, please help me!

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OK, so my SF hasn't been working for a while, big surprise. What happens is that when I start the program, it says Flight Sim.exe is forced to close yadda yadda yadda, anyway I see what the problem is and it's actually aircraftobject.dll so I uninstall then reinstall, then apply the first patch add the Hog etc. It works fine, so I quit program try opening it again, works fine, and come back like 2 hours later, try open it and now same thing as above, what the hell is going on? Can ANYONE help me! PLEASE!

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you might need to clean the reg. of all SF files...try that.

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Guest MrMudd

Todd that exact same circumstances happened to me. I deleted the sf folder after i did the software uninstall in XP. I also noticed i had 8 duplicates of my SF Files.



Im beginning to think its a virus or a bug makeing its way around.

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Guest MrMudd

W32/Pate.b Virus was found in 25 of my files...





www.mcafee.com has a free virus checker


ran pc-cillan and it killed 1460 PE_Pirate.A and B.



Interesting now my strike fighters started working again...

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A virus? I just d/l the A-10 zip and checked and it is virus free. What the hell is going on here?

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hit Grisoft.com and grab their free AVG virus scanner. Best one I've used and it's free, uses almost no system resources (Unlike McAfee and Norton...)

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Guest MrMudd

Thanks jeff i have it running on my pc now.

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