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The new carriers are incredible. Thank you!!!


Unless I'm mistaken, you can only use them in campaigns or custom single missions.


I'm hoping that someone would be willing to create a mission or two with the new carriers, that would allow users to take advantage of these new additions. It would be great to fly some CAPs, Strikes, etc. from the decks of these off the coast of Korea, Vietnam or any of the other maps.


I know there are some modern campaigns in the works, that I hope would also let us fly from these beauties.


Just wishing out loud......

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The new carriers are incredible. Thank you!!!


Unless I'm mistaken, you can only use them in campaigns or custom single missions.


I'm hoping that someone would be willing to create a mission or two with the new carriers, that would allow users to take advantage of these new additions. It would be great to fly some CAPs, Strikes, etc. from the decks of these off the coast of Korea, Vietnam or any of the other maps.


I know there are some modern campaigns in the works, that I hope would also let us fly from these beauties.


Just wishing out loud......


its a little extra work to get them into new campaigns since the terrains have to be modded too. I've added carriers to some of the older campaigns and some others have posted additions here as well (Vietnam Tet and Aussie).


I've been building some carrier missions in various locales and wouldn't mind doing a few on request.


which new carriers are you most interested in?

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If I could get a mission with the Gorshkov and the Garibaldi in either the Modern Korea Terrain or the Vietnam Terrain that would be great. I have Israel2, Libya, and the Bering Straits terrains installed.


I fly carrier ops in the Push too Far campaign and the Vietnam 1984 campaigns primarily.


I'm interested in flying single missions off of the new carriers with various aicraft.


I really appreciate your willingnes to even consider putting something together.

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Thanks for the reference, Canadair. I have already d/l'd this one an may give it a shot.


I'm actually looking for something a bit more simple.

For example, I can use a YAP mission, the Ghost Squandron missions, or the Carrier Training Missions and instead of using the a/c for which the mission was designed(Scooter, Phantom, etc.) I can hop into the Kestrel, and go fly the mission. Not historically accurate, but fun and a change of pace.


So, what I am envisioning is a couple of missions, A/A, A/G, with the new carriers and some targets, that would allow users to depart the carriers in the a/c of their choice, to go blow some stuff up.


Hope I don't get in trouble for referring to my use of YAP... :biggrin:

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Thanks for the reference, Canadair. I have already d/l'd this one an may give it a shot.


I'm actually looking for something a bit more simple.

For example, I can use a YAP mission, the Ghost Squandron missions, or the Carrier Training Missions and instead of using the a/c for which the mission was designed(Scooter, Phantom, etc.) I can hop into the Kestrel, and go fly the mission. Not historically accurate, but fun and a change of pace.


So, what I am envisioning is a couple of missions, A/A, A/G, with the new carriers and some targets, that would allow users to depart the carriers in the a/c of their choice, to go blow some stuff up.


Hope I don't get in trouble for referring to my use of YAP... :biggrin:


I've been playing with some carrier missions so keep an eye on the mission download section. Maybe something will show up......

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