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Interesting SAM Info

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Even more probably because the countermeasures are still classified .........? :blink:






yes to both. These old systems are still in use by A LOT of countries around the world and how much we know about them, and what our tactics and systems are against them, remain rather sensitive bits of information.


We could really put some "interesting" details into the sim - but a fleet of Black Helicopters would come in, smash all of our keyboards and break all of our fingers............



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I'd just like to know what countries gov'ts are UNAWARE of those details by this point. While tactics to counter them being classified makes sense, I think it would be pretty stupid of any country still using SA-2s to think that Western nations don't know everything about them at this point! :grin:


Kind of like parts of the F-16s flight modeling being classified when Venezuela has them. Who exactly doesn't have that info now? Only the people.



It's one of these "we know, and they know we know, and we know they know we know, but we're going to act like we don't and they're going to act like they don't know we know." :dntknw:

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I'd just like to know what countries gov'ts are UNAWARE of those details by this point. While tactics to counter them being classified makes sense, I think it would be pretty stupid of any country still using SA-2s to think that Western nations don't know everything about them at this point! :grin:


Kind of like parts of the F-16s flight modeling being classified when Venezuela has them. Who exactly doesn't have that info now? Only the people.



It's one of these "we know, and they know we know, and we know they know we know, but we're going to act like we don't and they're going to act like they don't know we know." :dntknw:


You would be surprised who knows and doesn't know. But its still treated the same. Countries update their systems all the time, even the SA-2, and there are those who don't know about it. Thus its classification.

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