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I thought at one time someone had put togther a manual for SF that showed you how to use the CAT extract file, and where to go in and mod files, i.e. get rid of the radar on the top right of the screen, and your acft info on the bottom left of the screen. Please help if possible since I have 8 computers with SF that I need to mod.



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It is actually the weapon editor tutorial. But one needs to be made for sure. Add that to my project list.

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The CAT extractor is pretty easy to use. I'll give a quick rundown and if you need more info let me know and I'll post more tomorrow.


Just think of the CAT files as ZIP files and the extractor is the tool you use to unzip them. You launch the extractor and browse to the CAT file you want to open. Aircraft, ships and vehicles are in objectdata.cat. Terrain related files are in the CAT file for the terrain. You open the CAT file in the extractor and it will list all of the files inside. You select one you want to extract and hit the button, and it will extract it to the same folder the CAT file is located. You can then move it to wherever it needs to be.


Its really simple and after you have done it once you will be an expert. ;)

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