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CPG Poll 3: Features

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1. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

2. Detailed comms and ATC

3. High moddability (like SF series)

4. Detailed carrier ops

5. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

6. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

7. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

8. Good performance on older systems

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)


If there was an option about AI, it would be number 2 on my list. Another would be a powerful mission editor, capable of scripting complex events (e.g. if wingman shot down > scramble resue flight) and enforce rules of engagement on the AI.


For me, the campaign is the heart of any game I play, and it is the place I spend most time in. I voted dynamic campaign at #1, because I think it provides the best gameplay. But a scripted campaign, if done well (e.g. Janes F/A-18), works well too.

Detailed comms & ATC at #2, because they help so much in creating the illusion of a realistic environment. Plus, it always helps the AI if the player can command them.

Moddability is not normally a concern for me, but for a community sim it is essential, I think.

Carrier ops, if applicable, would be nice to see something like in DI's Super Hornet with functional deck crew; actually the same goes for land-based sims, I'd love to see functional marshallers along the taxiways.

Graphics, for me, are important as far as low-level flying is concerned.

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After weighting the results, and throwing out the responses that didn't at least resemble the requested format ( :blink: ), here are your results for this poll:



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Sorry Im late, hehe.


1. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

4. High moddability (like SF series)

5. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

6. Detailed comms and ATC

7. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

8. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

9. Good performance on older systems



I would like to add a Mission Editor is one of the things I personally would love most. I build missions as much as I fly them. Id put a good straight-forward mission editor around number 2. Give us some tools fer cryin out loud...;0)

Edited by pcpilot

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Pah - theres always one :close_tema:





This sims gonna be a doddle to make :drag:

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