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MiG-15 & 6 Day War?

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I'm working through Wings over Israel and adding cockpits to all the Arab aircraft. I thought I would add some of the missing 1967 aircraft while I was at it.


Does anyone know whether the MiG-15s used by Egypt in 1967 still had their wing stripes? I noticed that the MiG-17s by TK do.


Other aircraft that can be added on the Arab side for the 6 Day Way are the C-47 (the EAF still operated some in 11 Transport squadron) and the Vemon (6 Squadron, Iraqi AF).



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Well Lloyd I looked at all my resources and I can't seem to confirm what they looks liked post 1956. However in my Osprey book some of the 17's are in camo. So I am thinking for 1967 camo would be more correct. Just my opinion though.

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It seems that nearly all Soviet aircraft used in 1967 were in their original bare metal. The exception were some MiG-19s used by Syria. Camo schemes were introduced after the Six Day War.


I've decided that EAF MiG-15s, 17s and 19s should probably keep their wing and fuselage stripes. I have seen no evidence that the MiG-21F-13s had stripes but I'm happy for someone to prove me wrong.


On a slightly different topic - as anyone done an Iraqi Venom in camo?



Edited by LloydNB

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