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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

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Active squadron list, needed.

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If you are a member of an active virtual squadron please respond. I am looking for a list of USN and USMC virtual squadrons based on real squadrons which are currently active. While searching the net there are several virtual squadrons which are based on real world squadrons, but a large number of them are extinct.

Eventually I would like to make a list of squadrons (USN,USMC,USAF) which are current so there is no confusion on which squadron name is taken or currently being used.

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Well, when you eventually get to USAF squads...the 87FIS (Fighter Interceptor Squadron) is about to be reactivated from the inactive reserves soon (c'moooon Lomac!). :D


Web link to be posted soon...stay tuned. :twisted:

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VMFA-232 will be starting ops again soon..waiting on patch.

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Don't take ours, we are still kickin around a little bit.


Sure it will pick up once patch 2 comes about.

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Thanks for the replys guys and yes Foreign squads are fine as well. I am more interested in American squads, but it's nice to know what Foreign squads are out there.


Some others I know are still active from JF18 are:








I imagine there will be an influx of new squads starting up the closer we get to the release of Lomac. Some will grow and some will fizzel out in a short time. This is a chance for you Squadron COs to stake your claim to a specific unit number and name.

What I want to avoid is two people trying to use the same name and avoid confusion on which one is the "true" unit. A lot of it will rely on common courtasy between everyone starting or reactivating a squad.

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