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SEA terrain weirdness/bug?

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I opened up in KMD a mission I had created - Wild Weasels taking off from and landing at Udorn RTAFB - to place some static aircraft on the hangar aprons. When I zoom in on the planning map, the main Udorn airbase is there - hangars, revetments, etc. The landing point is on what appears to be the runway - Runway 5 in the targets list at 272000.0, 676000.0 - but the takeoff point is on a black runway surface displaced a little further east in the middle of nowhere at 274000.0,676000.0 and appearing in the target list as Runway 9 at Udon Thani! Weird '*&%! Consequently, when I watch them, the Thuds try to take off from the jungle and blow up big time. I have rooted around in the .ini files and not found an obvious editing solution to the issue. Not sure how to fix it as I am not clear on the interplay between the terrain, the map, two runways and the coordinates!. I have looked in search and The KB but have not come across this specific issue. Is it as simple as just a few edits to this and that or is it a more complex issue? I am not sure anymore if Runway 9 exists in the stock game or if it has come from one of the numerous terrain or runway mods I have installed over the years. Is Runway 9 the Area 51 of WoV/YAP? Any fellow sufferers? I am diving back into the mysterious Thai jungle but any steer would be gratefully received. :dntknw:

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Okay, I just edited the mission file and changed the coordinates for takeoff to the same as landing. Now no problem with the take-off; 8 Thuds thunder down a real runway. But Runway 9 is still there in the KMD map but when I flew low to try to find it, it is not there. Definitely an alien landing pad, I reckon. I am going looking again. What's out there?

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Okay, I just edited the mission file and changed the coordinates for takeoff to the same as landing. Now no problem with the take-off; 8 Thuds thunder down a real runway. But Runway 9 is still there in the KMD map but when I flew low to try to find it, it is not there. Definitely an alien landing pad, I reckon. I am going looking again. What's out there?


Are you using the take off facility in the KMD planner e.g. put your aircraft over an airfield, check the take off box press apply and then save?

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{quote}Is Runway 9 the Area 51 of WoV/YAP?



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Thanks. Yep, following all procedures exactly. The problem is solved now. Following on from your suggestion, it is likely that I may not have zoomed in close enough when setting up the take-off and I was not looking closely at the airbase name when KMD assigned the airbase runway. But before this, there was no mysterious runway that close in to Udorn. I think I know what is going on now, thanks to Eightlein's cryptic response. On my planning map, all other airbases have the black runway symbol on the runway. In this case, the runway symbol itself is offset. When you fly over that area, you cannot see Runway 9 in that location. I think it is those mysterious aliens, the Yaps, who have something in the pipeline and who have taken over my mind and modified my reality. My targets.ini is for YAP and the answer lies therein.




Your answer I thank you for. May the Force be with you. :wink::secret:

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Mess with it too much and you may screw up your YAP mod, but, its your game. That is why we always strongly suggest a seperate install for YAP. Some things the "aliens" created dont mix well other "terra firma" items.

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Mess with it too much and you may screw up your YAP mod, but, its your game. That is why we always strongly suggest a seperate install for YAP. Some things the "aliens" created dont mix well other "terra firma" items.


This is extremely good advice. YAP is YAP and practically nothing else. Don't mess with it. Only thing you can add is aircraft and even then with care to follow YAP requirements!

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