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Here's one taken just after takeoff from NAS Cecil Field in a thunderstorm.


By the way, I noticed there is a screenshot gallery, but how do I submit to it?



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Guest Ranger332

rgr that NC :)



got some if your ever want to go URV

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Guest Ranger332

hey NC your not trying to start and all NAVY posting if so just let me know,"I wont spoil it :)"

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Hey Ranger


Heck no I don't care! Of course, my interests are obviously in favor of Naval aviation though!


That Global Hawk looks neat. Is it fun to fly?



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Guest Ranger332


rgr its a blast to fly and as its flown through that type of hud it realy feels like your flying it (got a split force feedback stick yesterday so that helps with the other craft in the sim) It runs smooth but with those big wings ya gota watch your wingspan clearance

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my contribution


P3C-NAS Jacksonville (Beer might like this one)



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two more just for Chief. HooYaa!




and finally, my baby. Although not my squadron, but she is a beauty isn't she? ok it's in the eye of the beholder, but she looks good to me.lol :wink:




The A7 and S3 are from Flight Deck II and are not completely compatible. The S3 is missing the rotating fan blades and the A7 intake is wacked, but I can still fly them around although the abacus flight models leave a little to be desired.

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Guest Ranger332

bad post see below

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Guest Ranger332

Ill toss one more up too :) fa da Chief :)

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Guest Ranger332

they are converting the program from fs2002 for use in FS2004

you can get it to work,but it will currupt some of your terraine tiles. (see links)







the tool kit here



I think Ill just wait after reinstalling tiles for the fix.

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Guest Ranger332

for all the Clint wanabees lol(had to show this befor going to bed lol)

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Guest Ranger332

last but not lest the stats.

the hud has a moving map placed centermass of the main panel

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yeah, we go through these growing pains with MSFS every 2 years it seems like.lol Eventually the compatibility issues will get ironed out and we will have a big selection to choose from. We went through this with FS2000, FS2002, and now with FS2004 so if history stays true then in a couple of months everything will get hashed out.

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Guest Ranger332

rgr go here and see what you might like most of the 2002 will work , meny of the 2000 and some 98 without adjusting (though some seem to lose the landing gear)




140 + pages to choose from

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Hey Ranger, the guy wasn't thinking when he wrote those stats buddy. LMAO he has it rated at 3.2 mach, but the engines are listed as "High Bypass" LOL I dont think he knows what High Bypass means. :lol:

There is no such thing as a Mach 1 TurboFan (high bypass) engine, much less mach3.2 LOL :lol:

But hey it is a fictional plane so anything is possible right? lol :wink:


When you look at that plane you can definantly see the Russians comming up with a design like that, but there aren't enought canards on it to be believable as a Russian jet. Those frisky Russians love Canards.lol :wink::lol:

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Guest SandViper

Man gota get this game love that G-Hawk

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