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Israel Air Force skin for the MD-450 Ouragan?

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Anybody know where I can find a blue/sand IDF/AF cam skin for the Ouragan? Well, I've looked and looked, and haven't found one. At the moment, I'm using the issue French skin, edited for Israel...

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Guest Bounder

if you dont find it by the end of the day send me your e-mail and Ill send it to you.

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Didn't it come with it, when originally released??? Mine did. Like bounder said, it you can't find it, I'll try and get it uploaded here



kevin stein

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It comes with 4 skins. Two French silver, an IsraeliSilver and an IsraeliCamo.

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It comes with 4 skins. Two French silver, an IsraeliSilver and an IsraeliCamo.


OK, I win the idiot of the week award. I must have deleted them in a moment of absent-mindedness - they are all there in the zip in my file library. Thanks, everyone!



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