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Icon Acronyms

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I've been studying the new icon list (yes I know it's sad isn't it) but I'm damned if I know what half of the icons mean or are supposed to represent - no I'm serious guys. So I've made a list of the current ones and filled in the parts I understand or think I understand. Can someone please fill in the blanks and correct any I've misinterpreted. I'm thinking of adding these to my guide or perhaps they can go in the KB for other clueless people like me. :biggrin:


Icon Acronyms

Hi = Hello

Angel = A good guy/girl

Flood =

Smile = a smile

Scout = boy scout

Warning2 = look out!

Beta1 =

Victory = A victory

Diablo =

Blush2 = A blush

Nono = Don’t do it

Close- tema =

Off-topic = Posting off topic

yu =

moil =

good = something good

mellow =

fans = a fan of someone/thing

alcholic = drunk

sleep = gone to sleep

warn = a warning

yes = agreement

blind = can’t see the point

drag =

huh =

buba =

rolleyes = roll ones eyes

biggrin = big grin

search = looking for something/one

slow =

fie =

bad = something bad

not_i =

dirol =

tomato =

aggressive = aggressive

boredom = boredom

no = no

king = top man/girl

umnik2 =

lol = lots of laughs

threaten = something/one threatening

this = pointing to something/one

protest = protesting something/one

cray =

wink = winking

blink = blinking

o.k. = alright

shout = shouting at something/one

happy = happy about something/one

scelerosis =

clapping = approval

ph34r =

fuk =

ninja = ninja character

secret = a secret

unsure = uncertain

tomato2 =

stink = something/one smelly

bye = goodbye

mamba =

dance = a dance

smile2 = a smile

dntknw = don’t know

rofl = roll on floor laughing

rtfm =

sad = unhappy

haha = funny

pioneer = a pioneer

spartak =

umnik =

angry2 = someone/thing annoying

kiss = a kiss

swoon = swooning

f*** = f***

help = ask for assistance

blush = blush

nyam =

slow(en) =

sorry = sorry

glare = a glare

wacko =

tongue =

bb =

dry =

crazy =

censored = banned

pilot =

black eye =

fool =

spiteful =

cool =

closedeyes =

grin = grin

bb2 =

ohmy =

mad = barmy

stinker =

no2 =

rap =

banned = censored

beee =

fan_1 = another fan

meeting = get together

shok =

angry = cross

wacko = mad

ban = something banned

boxing = fighting

beta1 =

doh =

idea = a suggestion

oops = a mistake

off_topic = not on the topic

please = please

type =

HB = Happy Birthday

Grandpa = granddad

Flyer =

blowup = explosion

lmaosmiley =

minigun =

Notworthy =

Stars =

Tumbleweed =

worship = in honour of someone /thing

yesmaster = acknowledge superiority

Yahoo =

Deadhorse = as in flog one

whistling = whistling

assassin =

big_boss =

beach =

boredom = bored

bowdown2 =

censored = banned

butcher =

crutch00 =

download = download on the internet

drinks_drunk = wasted

drinks = a drink

flood =

focus =

ghey =

friends = popular people

give_rose =

groupwave = waving

hunter =

helpsmilie =

iagree = agreement

idhitit =

imo =

i_m_so_happy = pleased

jk =

king2 =

kewlpics =

kudos =

lazy2 =

ohsnap =

needpics = pictures wanted

pardon = excuse me

pope =

rapage =

punish2 =

read = better read this

reckon =

secret = something concealed

scenic =

seks =

skull =

stop =

starwars =

suicide =

taunt = taunting

welcome = hello

telephone = telephone someone

wheelchair =

whip =

yikes =

whistle2 = whistle


That's the lot I think.

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These are what I could explain


Diablo = Devil

yu = yo/hi

mellow = indifferent

drag = smoking pot

huh = "what?"/"I'm confused."

not_i = "it wasn't me"/ "don't pick me."

tomato = throwing tomatoes

lol = Laugh out loud

cray = crying

ph34r = fear, sneaky ninja

fuk = birdy

ninja = ninja character

tomato2 = more tomatoes

rtfm = read the manual!

slow(en) = idiot

wacko = crazy

tongue = sticking out tounge

bb = flexing muscles

crazy = wacky, insane

pilot = pretenting to be a pilot

black eye = punched in the face, got in a fight

spiteful = person looking spiteful

cool = guy wearing sunglasses looking cool

closedeyes =person with eyes closed

bb2 = more muscles

ohmy = guy seeing something surprising/racy

stinker = fart

no2 = no

rap = rapping

shok = shock

beta1 = it's in beta

doh = slapping forehead

type = typing fast

Flyer = flying a plane

lmaosmiley = laughing my ass off

minigun = shooting a minigun

Notworthy = "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"

Stars = stars circling head

Tumbleweed =no one's here

Yahoo = yay!

Deadhorse = as in flog one, beating a topic to death

big_boss = it's your boss

beach = tanning on the beach

bowdown2 = bow down and worchip!

crutch00 = cripple

ghey = fruity

give_rose = give a rose

hunter = guy hunting

helpsmilie =help me

jk = justy kidding

king2 = king

kewlpics = cool pictures

kudos = congrats/thanks/worship

lazy2 =sleeping

ohsnap = oh my!

pope = :pope:

punish2 = punish

reckon = Rock on! \m/(>o<)\m/

skull = skull and cross bones

stop = stop

starwars = luke vs. darth vader

suicide = killed self

wheelchair = old guy in a wheelchair

whip =guy with a whip

yikes = :yikes:

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Ghey can also = lame.


Also, here's one just for kicks:




Oh My Mother F*king God In Heaven If You Believe In Him What The Mother F*cking F*ck Was That Sh*t I Mean It Made Me Like Roll On The Floor Laughing My Fat F*cking Ass Off Just Like When My Bestest Friend Ever In The World Pufflebump Snugglekins Burned His Tongue Licking The Barbeque In A Game Of Truth Or Dare With All of My And His Relations And Mutual Friends When He Was So Drunk He Could Barely Think I Mean I Was Like Laughing Out Loud!!!!!!eleven!!!one-hundred-eleven!!one!!one!!!!eleven!!eleven!!!eleven!!!one-thousand-one-hundred-eleven!eleven!!!forty-six

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Ghey can also = lame.


Thanks for your input. I'll have to wait for the other ones to be filled in to make the list complete. :good:

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The word "GHEY" is used in the icon list because many sites BADWORD "Gay". In order for the icon to work properly, it must carry a different spelling.



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I've just got these left to fill in. Anyone help with this?


Icon Acronyms


Flood =

Close- tema =

moil =

buba =

slow =

fie =

dirol =

umnik2 =

scelerosis =

mamba =

spartak =

umnik =

nyam =

dry =

beee =

assassin =

butcher =

flood =

focus =

idhitit =

imo =

rapage =

scenic =

seks =

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