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Does anybody out there have any alternative gun sounds for the various Third Wire aircraft guns? There seems

to be a huge abundance of engine sounds etc but I'm surprised that nobody has brought this issue up before

now. It would be nice to have different sounds for different aircraft.

BTW, this is NOT a complaint. Hats off to the mod crews who've so far done sterling work across the spectrum. :worship:

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Hello Paladrian,


Especially the new sound of the 0.50 's is highly interesting for the community as a lot of WW II stuff but also the F84's use it.

I wonder, as a battery of six 0.50's is pumping out bullets at a rate of something like 7000 r.p.m. , if a sound like the Vulcan might be appropriate (though of course 6 unsynchronised guns do sound different......)

Maybe there is something at Youtube.

At an old tape I have the sound of strafing NF5's (twin M39's)and on an even older record (!) there are F100's (4 M39's) doing A2G work. Tthe sound is highly impressive and something that's lacking in SF.




Derk :smile:

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The problem is that I'm making sounds for specific guns, not for specific aircraft, and the f-86 is not the only one to use 0.50 cals... 

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The problem is that I'm making sounds for specific guns, not for specific aircraft, and the f-86 is not the only one to use 0.50 cals...


Hi again guys,

I thought I was a one-man train of thought on this issue. Good to know I'm not alone! I was thinking of copying some WAV.

files from other games (FPS etc.) but apart from not having the technical expertise, I'm pretty sure that there would be

some copyright issues at stake.

But yes, there is a real 'gun sound drought' which I think was overlooked by the game designers (no offense guys). Apart

from that the TW series is simply first class aerial entertainment.

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Hello Paladrian,


Especially the new sound of the 0.50 's is highly interesting for the community as a lot of WW II stuff but also the F84's use it.

I wonder, as a battery of six 0.50's is pumping out bullets at a rate of something like 7000 r.p.m. , if a sound like the Vulcan might be appropriate (though of course 6 unsynchronised guns do sound different......)

Maybe there is something at Youtube.

At an old tape I have the sound of strafing NF5's (twin M39's)and on an even older record (!) there are F100's (4 M39's) doing A2G work. Tthe sound is highly impressive and something that's lacking in SF.




Derk :smile:


Since the multiple guns on a given aircraft fire at once via an electric trigger, the gun fire sounds do not "combine" giving it an effect as one might hear from a weapon with a greater ROF.


I had the pleasure of working with several WWII vets in my time. I recall one saying (from the perspective of a ground pounder in New Guinea) that the guns on a Mustang or Corsair making a strafing run sounded like "an old flathead Ford V-8 driving along with open pipes and a misfiring cylinder".


The M39, the Mauser revolvers, and the GSH-23s and 30-1s all have a similar rate of fire, and should sound pretty much alike. That's why I use the same sound effect for them, which I mixed in Sound Forge, at 1200-1500 pulses per minute.

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Let's see what you think of this:




I've made these sounds for my personal use for the release of the F-86/Mig-15 Mega pack, satisfied with the results I think I will make more sounds and probably release them in the future  :whistling:

Man, really interesting sounds!!! I like that Mig-15 cannon sound :good:

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Interesting material :yes: , I specially like the effects :ok:  , will you make more?


The M39, the Mauser revolvers, and the GSH-23s and 30-1s all have a similar rate of fire, and should sound pretty much alike. That's why I use the same sound effect for them, which I mixed in Sound Forge, at 1200-1500 pulses per minute.


That's the idea, guns with similar ROF and caliber should use the same sound, I adjusted my sounds to their respective ROF too, but I used gun sounds freely available on the web. For mixing and editing I used Wave Pad

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