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A Tale of the Twin Tail

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After a successful intercept over the coast of the red sea, me and my wingman were just about to commence our short final, when suddenly this Syrian falls out of the sky like a meteor. I always make it a point to come in fast, 500kts+, so when I heard the warning, I lit the burners, waited for my speed to hit Mach 1, and then rose to meet him. Superior in thrust, and inertia, I was confident that I could wrest the advantage.

But The MiG is nimble, and he pulled out of his dive, mantaining speed, and lit his puny Tumanskii's and then we were climbing neck to neck at over 40000ft per minute.

But his intention was to kill.

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The F-15 cannot turn with the MiG-29, but with the rudder small miracles can be performed.

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He goes inverted, rolls out and I try for the shot coming up from underneath him.I nick him.

Edited by Stick

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But we had a small situation...

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He pulls his evil maneouvre again, and we close in that swirling dance of death, and I know its just a matter of time.

Edited by Stick

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And then that awful silence roars in my ears as my 220s die, and the MiG sedately climbs away for home, having made a pertinent point.

Edited by Stick

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Come on out ladies, the Eagle has landed.

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Something like it.Was no armstrong though, I was wallowing at 120kts and I had to put her down somewhere.

Tell me why are there times when I order my wingmán to attack that he answers with that laconic 'negative'while our friendly MiGs stitch me up with 30mm.

Low fuel state?diffidence? low morale?Just not his fight?

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Good story Stick. So the Mig didnt try to kill you, he ran? Chicken AI :biggrin:

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No he did actually, he made one pass , but then I after that I was on the offensive. If you notice he has no missiles, I evaded an archer when the warning call was made. But I knew that only in the debrief

Edited by Stick

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It was that MiG's lucky day. Hope you wrote down his licence plate number.

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If only I had more fuel.

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