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Q: can't they realse the Demo and create another one ?

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why can't they realse the Demo NOW

and create another Demo in the future (pre realse of the full game)?

its no so uncommon to have two Demos for one game!!

it would be easier for everyone :D


can someone suggest this to the people in UBI soft ?



what do u think about this idea ? is it posibile in ur opinion?

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It's possible yes, however, look how much time they spent on the current demo. This is already complete and creating a further demo would only give people more options as to if they should buy the game or not as well as possibly delaying the full game even more due to the amount of time that would be spent on the 'new' demo.



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sorry to be pasimic but i'm sure that a further delay will come in the future.....

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its not only for benchmark, people go insane over this game :D

but good thinking ;) !

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Yeah I understand that but when you really think about it two months is not really too long to wait, we've been waiting for LOMAC for an eternity already :cry:

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Yes, 2 months is not a big deal anymore. I've given up on set dates, infact I'd rather them stop stringing us along, and just release it out of the blue. Good God they are already a year behind from their initial estimates, so it's not like any of us that have been following this game from the beginning can really feel hurt by not getting a demo. And if you are devastated about not having a demo... well find something else, becuase tears and complaints wont make the LOMAC fairy pay you a special visit. :wink:




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your kidding ? :lol: :lol:

i saw a preview of Lo-Mac that it should come out on Summer 2001

that means that the game delayed more than 2.5 years :lol: :lol: :lol:

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JESUS! I first learned of it from the inside of IL2... it says Sping 2002.


Well atleast it's safe to say that a lot of people have been waiting for a very very long time, and nobody's bitchery has made a dent in the release date... well maybe the PR dept. of UBI :wink:

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