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F-4E Cockpit, HUD & Avionics Upgrade Latest

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You may be interested to know that I've completed my F-4E cockpit upgrade project which I mentioned yesterday. The only problem is that I've tried about twenty times in the last hour to upload it for public consumption but to no avail. At the moment I'm screaming in confusion.

Sorry guys but it's more than likely a problem with my IP provider, but just to be sure since I've never uploaded anything here before; I tried to upload the file in RAR format. Am I in the wrong or are my suspicions about my IP correct?


In the meantime, here's a sneak peak of what's on offer:



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  76.IAP-Blackbird said:
You have to wait until this file is confirmed by someone.


Logged off for a while to play with my new 'toy'. I suppose I'm not the first guy to make that stupid mistake. How long does verification take?

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Well, I'm a lover of all things F-4 and F-4 related! Great work! :good::clapping:

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Very Nice!


rar format should be compressed more so should be smaller - thus upload easier.


As for your ISP issue depends on whats happening really - could be loads of things ( including your firewall blocking things).


My wireless connection used to drop off for some reason when uploading things - only way I could upload was to disable the wireless and plug an Ethernet cable directly into the router (after fetching it ) :umnik2:

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