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Thirdwire Engine differences?

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I just got WoV as my first Thirdwire sim and have found this great active modding community :good:

As far as I understand SFP1, WoV, WoE, and (at least to some extent) WoI all use the same engine, the main difference between the sims being the aircraft, worlds/terrains, and missions that come with them. Is this correct?


My big question is which of the other Thirdwire sims are must-haves? Are there any particular strengths such as "this one models prop aircraft better, and that one is the way to go if you want modern HUDs"? Or is there any particular must-have Thirdwire sim for key add-ons to work?

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Hey Royohboy,


WOI is really worth a try.


It is graphically enhanced. better shadows and reflections and such.

In my opinion the A.I. has improved, and so ar the flight models.




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Actually, if you can afford it, buy them all!

In a few months, all games will be hopefully on the same standart in terms of engines, avionics, etc; thanks to TK's patching policy. Some games have planes, others don't (F-16 in WoI; Harrier in WoE...). But indeed, most of these planes do exist too as fan-made.

So it will depends on what you want, if you're fond (like me) on campaigns, get them all. Most mods are currently designed for WoE, but SFP1 does still benefit from very good campaigns and mod, such as Harrier campaign and Falklands 1982. Eventually, WOI might get such attentions too.

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Hi pilot :biggrin:


Welcome here at CA :wink:


Must have?


I am red side fan :haha: so...


Paladrians Mig-21F/PF/PFV/PFM cockpits: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1919

Paladrians Mig-21MF cockpit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745


"Green Hell" VietnamSEA map modification by CA_Stary: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6134




VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0 by Brain32 (needed for "Green hell"): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5300

Edited by kukulino

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  kukulino said:
Hi pilot :biggrin:


Welcome here at CA :wink:


Must have?


I am red side fan :haha: so...

You were on the red side, not so long ago. :biggrin:

BTW, I do love things where we can fly both sides. :good:

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  Emp_Palpatine said:
You were on the red side, not so long ago. :biggrin:

BTW, I do love things where we can fly both sides. :good:

I love it too, if I can try both sides. But in original is flyable just "blue" side, as we know.


So, personally I like this mod for USAF Phantoms in vietnam (named LORAN F-4Ds):



Just detail, but looks very good.


And I recommended this for Phantom oponents:


It is flight model for Mig-17 by Fubar512. He worked on Mig-19 FM too. It was some months ago. So he do not stoped work on it, I hope.

Edited by kukulino

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Guys, thanks for the warm welcome, and for your suggestions :-)

I have installed Brain32's Vietnam tile repaint, and one of the tree-add-ons (not Green Hell though, I think, but I'm not sure), and WOW! :good: It was a bit of hit for my humble old laptop, though (even with lens-flares and mirrors disabled). Nevertheless, it looks so much more beautiful than the last sim I played (SDOE, which had more realistic flight models OTOH).


Does WoI model prop torque, and spins/stalls?

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  Royohboy said:
I just got WoV as my first Thirdwire sim and have found this great active modding community :good:

As far as I understand SFP1, WoV, WoE, and (at least to some extent) WoI all use the same engine, the main difference between the sims being the aircraft, worlds/terrains, and missions that come with them. Is this correct?


My big question is which of the other Thirdwire sims are must-haves? Are there any particular strengths such as "this one models prop aircraft better, and that one is the way to go if you want modern HUDs"? Or is there any particular must-have Thirdwire sim for key add-ons to work?



My suggestions...


1. Since you already have WOV, I would purchase WOE.


2. You can merge WOV into WOE during its installation.


3. WOV/WOE specific strengths are ... "models cold war (60's) aircraft better ... " !

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