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updates about myself

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Mannie was worried a bit LOL


i'm sure some of you noticed i wasn't around lately

that's beacuse i have no internet at home, a small beef with providers

hope i'll get reconnected with normal connection (not the thing i have now) as soon as possible

and hope i'll buy a new computer as well... mine sucks :blink:


everything is okay in the army, things are usual

a little bit time off starting tomorrow.. i have a course in the company that my dev team is working with :biggrin:


hope everything is well to you all

take care my friends!



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I was wondering where you were. Glad to see you back around.

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Hiya Nesher. Hope ya get connected again soon.

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It is Great to hear from you my friend! Hope that you can join us more in the near future! :good:

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