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Rambler 1-1

Downgraded Strike Fighters

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hey guys, I'm back.


Anyway, my computer hasn't gotten any faster, and for a couple of months I had trouble running internet, let alone strike fighters. Now I've finally got this piece of junk running again, and I figured I would try to run SF.


I installed it and tried it in it's stock form. It sucked. Lag and general badness ensued. Then I got the service pack from the thirdwire website, installed and tried that. It runs great, no lag and, even though my graphics settings are on "low" for the most part, the resolution and colours are good. I've enjoyed many a dogfight with the stock planes.


But here lies my question. I know that when I left, all you modders were making add-ons compatable with WOI and it's more advanced physics engine. I'm looking for some simple planes (MiGs, F-14, F-8, P-40, some Japs to shoot at) that I can add to strike fighters 1.5 here that will work with the now-outdated system.


I can substitute sounds, loadouts, weapons, effects and all that, but I'm wondering if HUD or gauges will be missing, or if the way the plane flies will be different.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Rambler, everything at C5 is for the old flight engine except for the latest Mirage Factory releases.

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ooh, look! a Eurofighter! how long has that been there for?

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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The HUDs and whatnot shouldn't slow you down, but the eurofighter's 4096x4096 textures will.


A computer upgrade would be worth it, parts and even whole systems are getting dirt cheap, just check out tiger direct.

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  eraser_tr said:
The HUDs and whatnot shouldn't slow you down, but the eurofighter's 4096x4096 textures will.


A computer upgrade would be worth it, parts and even whole systems are getting dirt cheap, just check out tiger direct.


Yeah, I'm not even gonna bother trying to get these new HD planes to work, I just downsize the skins to 512x512. Besides, right now I plan on chasing down some MiG-15s with the Cutlass.


And I know that I have no right poisioning these forums with complaints from a low preformance computer, but what I have is what I have, and there is no chance at all that anything new computer-wise is in my future, even if it is only a matter of double-digit prices.

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  Rambler 1-1 said:
And I know that I have no right poisioning these forums with complaints from a low preformance computer, but what I have is what I have, and there is no chance at all that anything new computer-wise is in my future, even if it is only a matter of double-digit prices.


What are your specs?

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uhhh... let's see here...


Dell Dimension 2100 with intel celeron processor, 996MHz, 512 MB of RAM running Windows XP Home 2002 Service pack 2. Oh, and an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI video card.

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  Rambler 1-1 said:
uhhh... let's see here...


Dell Dimension 2100 with intel celeron processor, 996MHz, 512 MB of RAM running Windows XP Home 2002 Service pack 2. Oh, and an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI video card.


Wow. I sometimes have access to free old hardware but really there is nothing you can upgrade further on that Dell.

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  Rambler 1-1 said:
uhhh... let's see here...


Dell Dimension 2100 with intel celeron processor, 996MHz, 512 MB of RAM running Windows XP Home 2002 Service pack 2. Oh, and an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI video card.


I just made up a work computer mostly from Tiger Direct and it is composed of:


2.4Gig Quad core

ATX case and motherboard

8 Gig RAM

600 Wt Pwr Supply

250 Gig SATA HD


Vista Ultra

Graphics card w/1 Gig graphics RAM onboard (cannot remember the name)


cost: about $850.00 US

Edited by Jug

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