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need help with flightengine mod

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i changed in the high detail option the DetailMeshSize to a value between 15 and 20 to get the effect i want













unfortunately this settings have some side effects i dont like , as soon as i climb through the clouds my clouds disapear in a square shape for a short time as soon as i have reacht a certain hight everything is back to normal


this square appears with a setting above DetailMeshSize=6 and the size off it dependence on the setting


does anybody have an idea how to fix that or minimize the side effect




pictures were made with a setting of 15

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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In changing the horizon distance, you've effectively changed the sky rendering distance, that is, the area over which clouds will be displayed. You've also introduced clipping.


These are the values I use:










Along with:














You may have to set the skydistance in the environment system.ini to a value of 200000 as well, which will also force you to reset the horizon and vertex heights, as well as require you to increase the cloud (count) number for each weather level.


It's almost like Algebra. What you do on one end of the equation has to be repeated on the other end :biggrin:


UPDATE: Here's a webpage with data and graphs that you might find helpful, theoretical distance to the horizon, from varying altitudes ( in meters ):



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i did not change the HorizonDistance i changed the value in the DetailMeshSize

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i did not change the HorizonDistance i changed the value in the DetailMeshSize


I've been using the same values going on like 5 years now, so I wasn't sure whether the "200000" value was a default or not. Out of curiosity, what was your intent with increasing the detail mesh value?

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Do you managed to set the detailmeshsize to 20? I'm getting CTD setting it higher than 17, which seems to be enough to kill framerate on most computers, but also satisfying in appearance:




My setting are lower than Fubar's:
















"Out of curiosity, what was your intent with increasing the detail mesh value?"


-to increase tod files rendering range..? :smile: or is there any other method?


And thanks for posting your values, will check them too!

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the HorizonDistance=200000.0 is not original i thing i came with some nuce mod but i changed the value and it has no effect on that square


the only value sofar that has an impact on that square is the DetailMeshSize=with a value biger then 6



i started to play with this value because we have now so many goundobjects,trees,buildings,etc but they come

popping up , out of nowhere , and with this setting it is much better and it looks more fluent in game then before

except the side effect i have that square shape (CloudsScattered from 10000 up to 13000 feet)

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Do you managed to set the detailmeshsize to 20? I'm getting CTD setting it higher than 17, which seems to be enough to kill framerate on most computers, but also satisfying in appearance:


yes , the highest value i was able to run is 20 but for now ihave set it to 15 because of that :angry2: square shape

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Ahhh... Sounds like an alpha object issue. There's a bit of a workaround, and that's to set "alphatestenabled" to false.

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It doesn't help. Must be related with detailmeshsize= related other way.



but I've tried a lot to get rid of this square doing treemods, and no luck on it yet :bad:


a tought -maybe setting



to other values will help, but CULL, COUNTERCLOCKWISE and CLOCKWISE doesn't help either

Edited by CA_Stary

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It doesn't help. Must be related with detailmeshsize= related other way.


As a setting in the cloud material? It doesn't work? Really?

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I was trying in [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] in terrains data.ini




No, it still doesn't work for me, when setting alphatestenabled=FALSE in environmentsystem.ini under [CloudMaterial]

Edited by CA_Stary

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I know that setting helped prevent alpha objects from bleeding through clouds, but come to think of it, occasionally runway surfaces (bitmaps) still bled through, and of course, that ground tile is a bitmap. I'll try it myself at "17" and see what happens.

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Just tried at with the detailmesh set at 17, and:


Normal Horizon Distance




Far horizon Distance




Far horizon distance, at low level, just to prove that my terrain is "well populated"



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Just tried at with the detailmesh set at 17, and:


Normal Horizon Distance


the problem is not below or on top of the clouds , it is if you pass trough them with my setting it should start by 8000 feet and the sqaure disapears by 13 to 14000 feet

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the tod files and detailmesh dissappears at around 13300 feet alt.

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